Among the tens of thousands orf American readers who have given such a
pleasant welcome to my syndicate articles and to my elementary work
entitled PRACTICAL PALMISTRY." a large number have done me the honor of
communicating with me with a view of increasing their knowledge of this
most fascinating science. Many have even visited Chicago and requested
me to give them personal and exhaustive instruction in Palmistry. I
finally decided, a year ago, to comply with these solicitations, and
have devoted a few hours, every day, to the teaching of the science
rendered famous in this XIX. Century by the splendidly successful
efforts of Desbarrolles and d"Arpentigny. Class after class attended my
studio and received favorably whatever conscientious instruction my
twenty-nine years of chi-rosophic studies entitled me to give them...
Title | The Practice Of Palmistry For Professional Purposes |
Author | C. de Saint-Germain |
Publisher | Laird & Lee Publishers |
Year | 1900 |
Copyright | 1900, William H. Lee |
Amazon | The Practice of Palmistry for Professional Purposes |
Comte C de SAINT-GERMAIN, A.R, LL. M. (Of the University of France),
President of the American Chirological Society, (Incorporated) and of
the National School of Palmistry, AUTHOR OF Hand Book of Modern
Palmistry (1883) and of Practical Palmistry, (28th Thousand, 1897.)
With an Introduction by the Late Adolphe Desbarrolles
Over 1100 Original Illustrations and a Complete Palmistic Dictionary. Vol. I and II.
To The World-Famed Prima Donna, The Inspired Artist,
Mademoiselle Emma Calve, This Book Is Respectfully Dedicated.
The Author's Hand.
- Among the tens of thousands orf American readers who have given such a pleasant welcome to my syndicate articles and to my elementary work entitled PRACTICAL PALMISTRY. a large number have done me th...
How To Study This Book
- 1. Read it slowly. Do not skim over parts and chapters as if the fire were in the house and you had just a minute left to reach the very last line. 3, Do not attempt to read further than Part First...
Part First. Preliminaries. Introducing The Introduction
- From a cursory examination of the animal world, we may gather the important conclusion that from the structure of an extremity we may obtain a complete insight into the entire organism of an animal, ...
The Introduction
- It is the purpose of Palmistry to teach you how to conquer the ancient art of divination by means of stated rules and not by intuition, These rules work accurately at all times and under all circumsta...
The Introduction. Part 2
- So far we have stated and briefly demonstrated: The existence of an imponderable vital fluid - known as electricity - surrounding us and the world at large; and The paramount influence of the ha...
The Introduction. Part 3
- Another argument, just as important, in favor of the theory of the vital fluid penetrating the body through the fingers, is found in d'Arpentigny's statements concerning smooth and knotted fingers; an...
The Introduction. Part 4
- The others I simply accepted - calling them traditional readings and ever hoping to see my way toward including them withm the harmony of the whole; but I never did accept them at all, except when alm...
The Map Of The Hand
- Before I can begin investigating with the reader the arcana of the minute science which I have the ambition to make for him as clear as rock-crystal, I must devote a few pages, to the Technical Descri...
Part Second. Chirognomic Observations. The Hand As A Whole
- Based upon the system conceived and developed by Casimir Stanislas d'Arpentigny, a distinguished French cavalry officer and a scholar, born in Normandy, March 13, 1798. Served under Napoleon in 1814 a...
II. The Hand As A Whole
- 1. Size In judging the size of a hand one must always bear in mind the size as well as the sex of the subject, and careful allowance must be made for both. Measure a hand on the back, from the wris...
III. The Hand Proper
- To compare Length of Hand Proper with Length of Fingers, take your measurements on the back of the hand; the Hand proper extends from the wrist to the lower knuckle of the second finger; the size of t...
IV. The Hand Proper And The Palm
- The Thickness of the Hand and its Consistency Combined are to be judged by pressing the center of the hand with the Index on the Back and the Thumb inside. The roughness or softness of the skin must n...
VI. The Palm Proper
- The Palm Proper extends only from the base of the Mounts to the third angle of the Triangle, and from the Line of Life to a normally placed Line of Liver, not including any Mounts. It is also called ...
VII. The Nails
- It has often been said by scientists of recognized capacity, that the nails are nothing but the electric fluid within us solidified by exposure to the air, thus becoming a kind of intermediary substan...
The Fingers
- As stated several times already, in the appellation of Fingers,. Palmistry does not include the Thumb, which is honored with a separate and distinct treatment as playing; a considerable part in the ec...
II. Finger Length
- 1. Length Of All The Fingers Very long fingers - Meddling disposition: ever finding fault; sometimes cruel out of mere tormenting instincts; the poisoner's fingers Long fingers - Love of detail;...
III. Finger Shape
- I. Outside Of Tips And Knots Inside puffincss of the third phalanges - Selfishness; laziness; love of good living, often carried to excess. Third phalanges wasped or waistshaped - Daintiness in ...
5. Comparative Study Of Finger Types
- Let me now study and interpret each of these Types of Finger Tips and combine them with smooth and knotted fingers. A. The Pointed Fingers Smooth, Poetry of soul and heart. Ecstatic religiou...
Comparative Study Of Finger Types. Continued
- C. The Square Fingers Smooth. Love of philosophy, social science, reality in art; well-ordained literary works; a talent for concciving business plans, Little enthusiasm; much inspiration, thoug...
The Thumb
- All modern Palmists attach such importance to the symptoms revealed by the Position and Shape of the Thumb, that it seems to me essential to inform the student why. physiologically speaking, the Thumb...
IV. The First Phalanx
- A. Size Very long - Despotism. Ungovernable temper. Long - Strong, healthy will power. Short - Want of self-control. Very short - Weakness of will power, also often silly obstinacy; carele...
VI. The Second Phalanx
- Very long - Discusses everything to death; trusis nobody and nothing. Paradoxical to a degree. Long - A good, strong reasoner; a correct logician. Short - The reasoning power is weak, or is used...
To The Combination Of Phalanges
- In a normally shaped hand the proportion between the First and Second Phalanges is 2 to 3; in other words, if you measure a Thumb from its base (or lower knuckle) to the Tip, the First for nailed) Pha...
The Leading Types Of Hands
- Now that we have reviewed together - and interpreted - the diverse elements that enter into the exterior physiognomy of a hand and examined suc-cessivdy, The Hand as a Whole, The Hand Proper, ...
I. The Psychic Hand
- The Psychic Hand, says d'Arpen-tigny, is of all hands the most beautiful, and consequently the most scarce, for rarity is one of the conditions of beauty. It is small and slender, compared with the...
II. The Artistic Hand
- The Artistic Hand is characterized by smooth Fingers whose nailed Phalanges assume the form of Cones or of elongated Thimbles. Plastic arts, painting, sculpture, monumental architecture, poetry of the...
III. The Useful Hand
- The Useful Hand, says d'Arpentigny, is of medium size, but large rather than small, often with Knotty Fingers, the nailed Phalanges of which arc square, that is to say, their four sides extend para...
IV. The Necessary Hand
- By a Necessary Hand is meant one, the nailed phalanges of whose fingers present the appearance of a more or less flattened out spatula. I want to deal here with those Spatulate Hands whose Thumbs are ...
V. The Philosophical Hand
- The Palm rather large and well developed, but bony; both Knots well marked in the Fingers; the nailed Phalanx half Square, half Conical, a combination producing with the upper Knot a kind of egg-shape...
VI. The Elementary Hand
- Here we abandon what I call the pure types, already considerably modified by the occasional addition of the Knots, and we reach inferior grades of Hands, all deviating, more or less clearly, from what...
VII. The Artistic-Elementary Hand
- Here we have a not infrequent improvement on the Elementary Hand, an improvement one meets especially among those men of talent, or even genius, who emerge from the very lowest ranks of society, urged...
IX. The Idiot's Hand
- In my paragraphs on the Brutal Murderer's Hand, I did not hesitate to qualify his horrible propensity to take human life as a disease, and I believe that this affirmation is In accord with the dicta o...
XIV. The Woman's Hand
- The tendencies of each type among women are, says d'Arpeutigny, the same as they are among men, only, those which are peculiar to the Spatulate and Square types are much less intense among women, b...
Various Types Of Woman's Hands
- We have constantly occasion to meet people in a social or business way whose leading characteristics it would be of the very highest importance for us to know. They may be persons in a position to inf...
Desbarrolles At The Tuileries
- One evening during the heyday of the Second Empire, when its structure seemed built en the rock and the Dynasty of the Napoleons assured of a century of power and prosperity, Desbarolles was summoned ...
Part Third. The Mounts Of The Hand
- Our body was most probably constructed, even in its less noble parts, so as to attract as large a quantity as possible of this electric fluid which it is bound to further elaborate; and, in our high...
I. The Positions Of The Mounts Of The Hand
- I. Mount of Jupiter: at the root of the first finger; limited by the Line of Head, by the Side of the Hand and by an imaginary line running straight down between the first and second fingers until it ...
II. The Meanings Of The Mounts Of The Hand
- (In this section they are supposed to be in their regular normal position.) The principles ruling the existence, absence or undue prominence of the Mounts are the following: Normal and in positi...
III. Displacements Of The Mounts Of The Hand
- When I speak of Displacements of the Mounts I must also mention my system of locating them, so as to know, for instance, if an elevation found between the roots of the first and second fingers is the ...
IV. The Mounts Of The Hand As They Reveal Illnesses
- These tendencies are indicated either by the abnormal prominence of the Mounts or by their being covered with confused lines, Mount of Jupiter - Apoplexy; rush of blood to the head; lung troubles. ...
V. The Mounts Of The Hand As They Indicate Suicidal Tendencies
- 1. The possessor of a predominating Mount of Jupiter seldom commits suicide, except when deeply humiliated in his overwhelming pride; or else he, a man of pleasure, feels that his sensual satisfaction...
The Signs Of The Mounts Of The Hand In General
- Before I examine the various independent lints and signs that are frequently met with on the Mounts or at the places where certain absent Mounts ought to be located, I must give you a list of the Sixt...
I. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of Jupiter
- A strong, red line on the Mount separating the first and second fingers-Weakness of the intestines. A single line - Success. Yon will find the single line feature to be favorable on ever...
II. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of Saturn
- One single. line - Very great luck. One deep line forming the end of a broken Line of Fate - Peaceful but monotonous ending of life. Two parallel lines - (often taken for sister lines t...
III. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of The Sun
- One deep and straight line - Wealth or fame, or both. One career only. Two lines - Real talent but poor success; two conflicting talents. Except when one of the lines is clearly a sister li...
IV. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of Mercury
- One single line - Unexpected financial good fortune. If very deep - Great scientific aptitudes. From three to six strongly marked parallel lines - An aptitude for medical studies - The same...
V. Lines And Signs On The Upper Mount Of Mars
- One line - Courage, sang-froid. Several lines, rather confused - Violent temper, lasciviousness, brutality in love; a very bad omen for the generaJ success of the subject. Also bronchitis a...
VI. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of The Moon
- A single long line - A presentiment of evil. A line down the Mourn with a short one crossing it - Tendency to chronic rheumatism or gout. Especially in the middle portion of the Mount. ...
VII. Lines And Signs On The Mount Of Venus
- Two or three vertical lines - Ingratitude. More frequently (and logically), Inconstancy. I have never verified these readings to my full satisfaction. Lines concentric to the Line of Life - ...
VIII. Lines And Signs On The Lower Mount Of Mars
- I found most of the indications relating to Lines and Signs upon the Upper Mount of Mars, to apply here also very correctly, leaving out, of Course, most of the aggressive features. The two following ...
The Signatures Of The Mounts
- As a natural consequence of the importance given in Palmistry to the Presence, the Exaggeration and the Absence of the Mounts, the ancient teachers of the science directed their patient study toward t...
I. The Signatures Of The Mount Of Jupiter
- Those people in whose hands the Mount of Jupiter is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Jupiterians. I. Physical Peculiarities The Jupiterians are strongly bui...
II. The Signatures Of The Mount Of Saturn
- Those people in whose hands the Mount of Saturn is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Saturnians. I. Physical Peculiarities The Satnniians are tall, thin a...
III. The Signatures Of The Mount Of The Sun
- Those people in whose hands the Mount of the Sun is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Solar Subjects. I. Physical Peculiarities The Solar Subject is of a ...
IV. The Signatures Of The Mount Of Mercury
- The people in whose hands the Mount of Mercury is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Mercurians. I. Physical Peculiarities The Mercurians are small of stat...
V. The Signatures Of The Mounts Of Mars
- Those in whose hands the Mounts of Mars are predominating over all the other Mounts are known in Palmistry as Martians. Desbarrolles, who reeognized as Mount of Mars only what I call in this book t...
VI. The Signatures Of The Mount Of The Moon
- Those in whose hands the Mount of the Moon is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Lunar Subjects. I. Physical Peculiarities The Lunar Subject is of a tall s...
VII. The Signatures Of The Mount Of Venus
- Those in whose hands the Mount of Venus is found predominating over all the other Mounts are called in Palmistry Venusians. I. Physical Peculiarities The Venusian has many traits in common w...
The Combination Of The Mounts
- After devoting much space to the Signatures of the Mounts and minutely describing - with Desbarrolles - the complete type represented by each predominating Mount - supposing that particular mount to b...
Part Fourth. Chiromantic Observations
- Based upon the system of the ancient Cbiromants, as explained, developed and vastly improved upon by Admen Adolphb Desbarrolles, a famous French painter and scientist, born in Paris, August 23, 1801, ...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. I. Grouping
- The Map of the Hand, and the description that accompanies it, have already furnished the reader with a preliminary knowledge of the position of each of the fourteen Main Lines, which I shall group now...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. B. Meaning
- And now I am about touching upon a subject I have never seen treated by any author, ancient or modern, although, indirectly, the Sixteenth Century Palmists and the immortal Desbarrolles have indicated...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. II. Character
- If the reader has given sufficient attention to the principles laid down in the preceding pages he will have no trouble grasping and storing in his memory the few following statements concerning the C...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. III. Malformation
- There are four usual cases of Mal-formatton of the Main Lines. They are often Broken, and this defect, interfering gravely with the circulation of the fluid, denotes a serious perturbation in t...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. IV. Duplication
- After the malformation, come, in logical sequence, the supplementary formations, or the Duplication of certain lines. These are called by the generic name Of Sister Lines, although they are but very s...
Chiromantic Observations Of The Lines In General. V. Absence
- Some of the Main Lines are very frequently altogether absent from the hand; seldom, however, are the same Main Lines absent from both hands. In order of frequency - or infrequency rather - I would say...
The Vanishing Of The Lines
- Many years ago a gentleman called upon me for the purpose of consultation. It was in the winter time and he wore a heavy Mac-farlane. He asked - and was granted - permission to keep this garment on hi...
How To Reckon Time In The Hand
- I. How Far Palmistry Goes In The Matter Of Dates In my previous works on Palmistry, my Hand Book, published in 1883 (exhausted), and my recent Practical Palmistry (1897). I have presented my reader...
How To Reckon Time In The Hand. Continued
- III. Time Measurement On The Line Of Fate Again I measure with a white thread a Straight line from the first bracelet of the Rascette to the root of the second finger, i e., the upper portion of th...
The Line Of Life
- I. Position And Direction Normal. Starting from under the Mount of Jupiter, encircling the Mount of Venus and the Lower Mount of Mars, provided both are normally placed and of average superficial d...
The Line Of Life. III. Starting Points And Forks At The Start
- Starting on the Mount of Jupiter - Great ambition Fully rewarded. Slightly separated, at the start, from a good Line of Heart - Energy and go-ahead spirit; enough pluck to face an audience: ver...
The Line Of Life. IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination
- Terminating abruptly, with a few short parallel lines - Sudden death. If the short parallel lines are not there death may not be sudden but it will take place at the date indicated on the Line, if...
The Line Of Life. V. Branches
- A branch starting early and reaching into the Mount of Jupiter - Successful ambition; egotism. Branches reaching but not cutting the Line of Head, about its center - Honors and riches. ...
The Line Of Life. VI. Breaks
- A break in one hand only - A very grave illness from which the subject will surely recover; especially if the two fragments overlay each other. A break in both hands - Great danger of death...
The Line Of Life. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- (A) Directly Connected in a sharp angle with the Line of Head- - Prudence and average common sense. In all matters of Angles formed by the Lines of Life. Head and Liver, the reader will find...
The Line Of Life. VIII. Bars, Capillaries And Signs
- Capillary lines dropping from or attached closely to the Line - Weakness, loss of vitality; especially when found at the termination of the Line not in sufficient number to indicate gradual recuperati...
Lines Of Influence In General
- Besides the Fourteen Main Lines enumerated in the chapter on the Map of the Hand and each of which is the object of a separate study, there are, in the majority of hands, a certain number of minor lin...
Lines Of Influence From The Mount Of Venus, The Lower Mount Of Mars, Or The Line Of Life
- To make reference easier and quicker, I have divided these Influence Lines, so very important to locate and read prop-ery, into Two Divisions, each one of them subdivided, as follows: I. Lines of I...
B. Connecting With Any Of The Other Mounts
- General Indication Of Importance Besides the various readings that will be found under this head there is a much wider one, very difficult and delicate in its application, which may be defined as f...
C. Merging Into Or Just Cutting Other Main Lines
- Projected Guilty Intrigue Threatened to End in a Catastrophe. - A very straight and deep Line of Influence starling from an island cm the Mount of Venus cuts a star on the Line of Life at 30 ...
A Starting From A Sign
- A Line starting from a dot on the Mount of Venus and cutting a small upward branch of the Line; on the Mount of Jupiter, a clear well formed cross - A love marriage sure to end in separation Un...
A. Terminating In A Sign
- A Line from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of Jupiter ending in a star - Ambition crowned with brilliant success. A Line to the Mount of Jupiter ending there in an island - Severe illness ...
I. Starting From And Terminating In A Sign
- A Line starting from a star on the Mount of Venus and ending in a star inside the Triangle - Great disaster following the death of a relative or dear friend. Two Great Fatalities in a Women's Hand - A...
The Line Of Mars - The Rascette
- To complete Division One (see p. 141), I have to present here the few observations that have been gathered concerning the Sister Line of the Line of Life, called The Line of Mars - doubt-less because ...
The Rascette
- Desbarrolles says of the Rascette: It is traced in that portion of the hand which is devoted to material instincts, and therefore all lines inside the palm that droop down to it are debased thereby a...
The Rascette. Continued
- IV. Breaks The three bracelets breaking in a point, one above the other, under the Mount of Saturn - Inordinate vanity and untruthfulness, leading to disaster. V. Connected With The Lines ...
The Line Of Liver. The Via Lasciva - The Line of Intuition
- This line is called by many Palmists the Line of Health, and is considered by them simply as an accessory to the Line of Life. While willingly admitting that this line confirms in many instances the p...
The Line Of Liver. II. Character
- A. By Itself Entirely absent - Quick mind, alert disposition. No biliousness, hence none of that heaviness caused by the poor working of the liver. Many palmists consider the total absence of a ...
The Line Of Liver. IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination
- Joined with and terminating at the Line of Head, with a Line of Life cut by many bars - Brain disease, brought about by a disturbed liver. It will be generally of a melancholia character. Terminatin...
The Line Of Liver. VI. Breaks
- Breaks on the line, confirming breaks. bars, crosses, stars or islands on the Line of Life - As many breaks as many illnesses. Also a sign of chronic indigestion. Also indications of successive re...
The Line Of Liver. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- Forming a clear triangle, open at the base, with the Lines of Life and Head - One of the most favorable indications to be found in the hand. Great aptitude for natural and often occult sciences. ...
The Via Lasciva
- I. Position And Character Normal. Running parallel to the Line of Liver. starting farther from the Plain of Mars and ending on the Mount of Mercury: when traced clearly in both hands - Sensualit...
The Line Of Intuition
- I. Position And Direction Normal. Starting from the lower part of the Mount of the Moon near the Percussion. and coming up in a more or less accentuated curve to the Mount of Mercury, whe...
The Line Of Head
- I. Position And Direction A. By Itself Normal. Starting from the Line of Life at its beginning, rising ever so slightly toward the Line of Heart under the second finger, and then increasing t...
The Line Of Head. II. Character
- A. By Itself. 1. Length Absence - Constitutional brain trouble; dull intellect, often idiocy of a congenital nature. Long, straight and clear - Common sense, Short and clear, or long and fain...
The Line Of Head. III. Starting Points And Forks At The Start
- Not joined to the Line of Life at the start, in a good hand - Self-reliance, energy. Better Still with a firm hand and square fingers. Not joined to the Line of Life, with exaggerate Mounts of ...
The Line Of Head. IV. Termination. Forks At The Termination
- Terminating under the Mount of Sat-urn - Premature death or intelligence extinguished early. The worst death of all: Idiocy or insanity. Terminating half way across the hand with badly devel...
The Line Of Head Termination. Forks At The Termination. Continued
- Sloping and forked at the termination. one prong to the Mount of the Moon and the other to the Mount of Mercury - The power to hypnotize; also crafty disposition in business; the thirst for money blin...
The Line Of Head. V. Branches
- Bars cutting the Lines - Headaches. A branch from the line deep into the Mount of Jupiter, terminating in a star - Success. This is one of the few cases when a star is considered as a favorable ...
The Line Of Head. VI. Breaks
- A break - A wound in, or severe trouble of, the head. Manybreaks - Headaches. Broken, but with an overlaying fragment continuing it at once - Recovery after serious brain troubles. B...
The Line Of Head. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- A. Directly Joined in a very acute angle with the Line of Life - Prudence. Tin's is, after all, the normal shape of this angle; its quality depends greatly on the length, etc., of the Line; ...
The Line Of Head. VIII. Signs
- Many Bars - Headaches, Wavy, straight or curved bars cutting a sloping Line of Head - Headaches; danger of insanity. A knotting up of the Line - Tendency to murder; if pale - in the pas...
The Line Of Head Signs. Continued
- Projected Guilty Intrigue Threatened To End In A Catastrophe A very straight and deep Line of Influence starting from an island on the Mount of Venus cuts a star on the Line of Life at 30, and ends...
The Line Of Head Special Observations
- Accompanied by a sister Line (very rare) - Inheritance. The two sister lines must be quite distinct and not consist simply of the line split in two, lengthwise, as this would be a most serious ...
The Line Of Heart. The Girdle Of Venus - The Lines Of Colon
- This Division Three of the Main Lines, as I call it on page 141 of this boob, includes the Third of the Chief Lines - the Line of Heart - and several minor Main lines that partake of its characteristi...
The Line Of Heart. II. Character
- A. By Itself. 1. Length Absent - Extreme coldness, physical and moral; selfishness; boundless avarice; with other signs, such as a prominent Upper Mount of Mars - Cruelty; also hemorrhage. If it ha...
The Line Of Heart. III. Starting Points And Forks At The Start
- Starting from inside the third phalanx of the first finger - Lack of success in all directions. The principle, is that whenever a main line penetrates a finger, its best qualities turn into def...
The Line Of Heart. IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination
- Extending around the Percussion, with a long, clear Line of Head and the upper Mount of Mars prominent - Daring spirit. Remember that a fine Line of Heart gives you a. heart for any daring ent...
The Line Of Heart. V. Branches
- Without upward branches - Poverty of feeling. A dry nature. Very far apart from the Line of Head specially in the middle) and both lines l.rniK-lilcss - Life deprived of affections. Downward...
The Line Of Heart. VI. Breaks
- Much broken - Inconstancy; or hatred of the opposite sex. Broken under the Mount of Saturn in both hands - Dangerous illness arising from defective circulation of the blood; aneurism; short...
The Line Of Heart. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- A. Directly Joined with the Lines of Head and Life at the start with (or without) a cross in the middle of the Line of Head - Sudden death (if repeated in both hands] This must not be read a...
The Line Of Heart. VII. Signs
- A number of bars culting the Line - Repeated disappointments in love. Troubles of the heart and liver. Oppression Of The Heart Consequence Of A Severe Liver Trou-Ble Thr Line of Heart cut by...
The Girdle Of Venus
- In most of the books on Palmistry written in the English tongue, I have noticed a great reluctance on the part of the authors to call things by their names and to state facts with the blunt-ness that ...
The Girdle Of Venus. II. Character
- Very deep and often red, and cutting through the Lines of Fate and the Sun as if to obliterate their best characteristics: - The intellect of the subject is gravely impaired by his vicious tendencies ...
The Girdle Of Venus. VI. Signs
- Cut by small lines, with the Mount of Venus and the Moon exaggerated - Hysteria of an erotic character. Skepticlsm Struggling Against an Inclination Toward Con-vent Life - High Mount of Jupiter; sever...
The Lines Of Union
- I am now in the presence of the Lines that offer probably the greatest difficulties, of all to every Palmist - even the most experienced. As they are supposed by cursory readers of Chirologicat works ...
The Lines Of Union. Part 2
- I. Position And Direction Normal: Cutting the Percussion horizontally between the Line of Heart and the base of the Fourth Finger and penetrating (not very deep) into the Mount of Mercury. O...
The Lines Of Union. Part 3
- IV. Branches An upward branch touching the Mount of the Sun - A brilliant Union. A downward branch cutting the Line of the Sun - A mesalliance. Well traced but with capillary lines dr...
The Lines Of Union. VII. Signs
- Cut by a line from the base of the fourth finger - Opposition to the Union. Upright lines coming down from the base of the fourth finger and touching (not cutting) the Line - Children; as many ...
The Lines Of Union. Additional Cases
- Guilty Intrigue. Death Of The Husband A Line of Head ex-tending across the whole hand and separated from the Line of Life; a straight Line of Fate; a wavy Line of Heart; a double Girdle of Venus; t...
The Line Of Fate
- There are only two points I want to make clear to the student before beginning my readings of this Line. The first refers to its name, which is, in one respect, most unsatisfactory to me. since It see...
The Line Of Fate. II. Character
- A. By Itself. I. Length-Absent - Insignificant, Eventless Life Remember that the presence of a Line of the Sun should induce the student to read on that Line the life events of the Straight and goo...
The Line Of Fate. III. Starting Points And Forks At The Start
- Starting from below the third bracelet of the Rascette - Some intense grief threatening the subject. Starting from the first bracelet of the Rascette - Early responsibilities laid on the sh...
The Line Of Fate. IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination
- Dwindling to a mere thread as it runs along the Line of Life, with a very high Mount of the Moon - Exaggerate sentimentality; imagination interfering gravely with the possible success of the subject i...
The Line Of Fate. VI. Breaks
- Broken - For each break a casuality or a serious change in the subject's life; if one fragment overlays the other - A change not necessarily unfortunate. Even if the break is a gap without any ...
The Line Of Fate. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- A. Directly Starting from the Mount of the Moon and merging into a. good Line of Heart, itself starting clearly from inside the Mount of Jupiter - A fairly certain indication of a brilliant marriag...
The Line Of Fate. VII. Signs
- Numerous bars crossing the Line on the Mount of Saturn - Obstacles constantly arising to mar the subject's life - If the Line has been good otherwise. those obstacles will only arise late in li...
The Line Of Fate Signs. Continued
- Death Of A Husband In A State Of Insanity. Guilty Affair In Thought Only A good Line of Life and a good Line of Head; a fair Line of Heart; a Line of Influence starting from a star on the Mount of ...
The Line Of Fate. Special Observations
- These refer exclusively to what are generally known as Lines of Influence from the Mounts of the Moon and Upper Mars. A sister line from the Mount of the Moon following the Line for a short spa...
The Line Of The Sun
- The general considerations concerning the Line of the Sun need occupy but a very little space, since I have already mentioned the fact that this Line is to be mainly considered as a sister line to the...
The Line Of The Sun. II. Character
- A. By Itself. I. Length Absent - Ill-success in projects and enterprises that would bring great riches and reputation if - they only succeeded. With a particularly fine Line of Fate, this discou...
The Line Of The Sun. II. Starting Points
- Starting from the Line of Life in both hands - Success in art or literature; brilliant fortune. The assistance of relatives has helped the subjet considerably. Still truer if the Line starts inside of...
The Line Of The Sun. IV. Termination And Forks At The Termination
- Narrow, deep and straight and terminating up the Mount of the Sun, uncrossed in both hands - Success. To be read as a Line of Fate with the addition of such other characteristics as pertain to the Mou...
The Line Of The Sun. VII. Connected With The Main Lines
- A. Directly Cut by a Line of Union - Loss of position due to unsuitable marriage, or to a disgraceful entanglement. The good name of the subject is under a cloud, b. By Minor Lines-Touched b...
The Line Of The Sun. VII. Signs
- Many bars that cut the Line horizontally - Artistic career hindered by envious rivals; if mostly found at the beginning of the Line - Loss of fortune of the subject's parents during his youth. ...
The Line Of The Sun. Special Observations
- Two deep parallel lines, one at either side of a straight and deep Line of the Sun - Glory; untold fortune. These are the Lines of Reputation. (See page 102.) A good Line, but with two wavy...
The Plain Of Mars. The Quadrangle - The Triangle
- When examining the Palm of the hand and farther on, the Mounts. I had occasion to delimit the only portion of the Palm not included in the space occupied by the Mounts and to give it its various names...
The Quadrangle
- 1. Position Normal: It occupies the space between the Line of Head and the Line of Heart, both being normal, and between the Mount of Jupiter and the Upper Mount of Mars, neither of these Mounts...
The Plain Of Mars. The Quadrangle. II. Character
- A. By Itself Bulging and well shaped - Fecundity. Love of money for the sake of spending it generously. Flat, i. e., level with the Mounts - Saving disposition. Hollow - Miserly disposition. ...
The Plain Of Mars. The Triangle
- I. Position Normal: Between the Line of Line, the Line of Head and the Line of Liver. If any of these lines are missing, of course there is no more Triangle, properly so called, although the signs ...
The Plain Of Mars. The Triangle. Part 2
- III. The First (Or Upper Or Supreme) Angle Formed by the connection of the Lines of Life and Head. Sharply pointed and well marked - Relined mind; more generally strong common sense. T...
The Plain Of Mars. The Triangle. Part 3
- V. The Third (Or Outer) Angle It is not in truth an Angle since the Lines, of Life and Liver, which are supposed to form it. do not connect but simply come close to each other. The Third Ang...
The Plain Of Mars. VI. Signs
- Red spots - Tradition says that it indicates pregnancy. White spots - Anæmia; tendency to fainting fits. Upward branches from the Line of Life terminating inside the Triangle - Riches an...
Lines And Signs On Thumb And Fingers
- The student will find it profitable before perusing this chapter to turn back to pp, 45-46 and read Over carefully my Chirognomical Observations concerning the Phalanges of the Fingers: also my readin...
Lines And Signs I. On The Thumb
- 1. On The First Phalanx Downward lines - Will power more clearly marked, up to three lines; more lines - Scattering of will power minimizing results. These lines crossed, or cross li...
Lines And Signs II. On All The Fingers
- Little balls on the inside tips of fingers - Extreme sensitiveness, tact and taste. One short vertical line deeply traced on the joints of all fingers - Sudden death (with confirmatory indicati...
Lines And Signs III. On The First Finger
- 1. On The First Phalanx Downward lines - Religious exaltation. Cross lines - Religious insanity. Across - Dangerous insanity due to visions etc., often one of the signs of sudden death. ...
Lines And Signs IV. On The Second Finger
- Down-ward, wavy lines down the whole finger, with cross bars on the Mount of Saturn - Succession of fatal happenings. I. On The First Phalanx Downward lines - Suicide. Cross lines - S...
Lines And Signs V. On The Third Finger
- I. On The First Phalanx Downward lines - Artistic genius turning into insanity. Cross lines - Obstacles to the artistic career, causing insanity. A cross- - Extraordinary chastity; th...
Lines And Signs VI. On The Fourth Finger
- One clear line traversing the entire length of the fourth finger - Veracity. Two lines - Rectitude, One line from the first phalanx to the base of the finger - Success in scientific pursuits, ...
Part Fifth. Additional Cases
- These cases, as well as those disseminated through the other Parts of this book, are - many of them - borrowed from Desbarrolles' magnum opus, Révélations Completes. They have never been translated...
Additional Cases. Part 2
- Epilepsy A very poor Line of Heart; A Line of Head drooping deep into the Mount of the Moon. In the Quadrangle, under the Mount of Saturn, three circles of unequal size touching each other. ...
Additional Cases. Part 3
- Asthma A. very narrow Quadrangle due to the abnormal curving down of the Line of Heart. A dot on the Line of Head under the Mount of Saturn. A deep bar cut the Line of Life at 25; from it started, ...
Additional Cases. Part 4
- Intestinal Cancer A drooping and forked Line of Head; upon this Line, just before the fork begins, a star; another star at the end of the lower prong of the fork. From the first star drops a perpen...
Part Sixth. Phrenology And Palmistry Compared
- The discoverers end exponents of Phrenology were two German scientists: Franz Joseph Gall, born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, March 9, 1758, who began lecturing on craniology in Vienna in 1796, meeting...
Phrenology And Palmistry Compared. Part 2
- A. Alimentiveness [Hunger: gratification of the taste for good food and drink, ] The third phalanx of each finger very bulging inside: an exaggerate Mount of Jupiter; smooth and often pointed fi...
Phrenology And Palmistry Compared. Part 3
- (9) Constructiveness [Skilled fingers. quick, inventive. brain.] Spatulate fingers with little balls inside the first phlanges of each finger. (Phrenology is more satisfactory than Palmistry in ...
Phrenology And Palmistry Compared. Part 4
- (18) Spirituality [Ordullty superstation] The hands are very soft and very much rayed; the fingers are pointed and smooth; the thumb is short; the Line of Intuition is clearly marked. In the hands ...
Phrenology And Palmistry Compared. Part 5
- (22) Individuality (The Investigating and classifying faculty] A well developed Mount of Mercury; the fingers very long, smooth (knotted with the classifiers) and quite spatulate; the Mount of t...
Phrenology And Palmistry Compared. Part 6
- (31) Time No equivalent in Palmistry; the markings referring to Eventuality (30), would fairly apply to this organ. (32) Tune [Love and talent for music.] To point out at once, as Phrenolo...
Part Seventh. Palmistry Dictionary
- Containing, besides A Complete Index of this Work, and necessary Cross-References, new matter referring to All Prominent Ckiromants and Defenders of Chiromancy in the Past; All Works on Palmi...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 2
- Animals. Love Of Strong Mounts of Venus and the Sun. A fine and long Line of Heart. First Phalanges of Fingers a trifle below normal. Anonymous; American; Dick's Mysteries of the Hand (New Yor...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 3
- Bad Habits. Sad Consequences Of Case: 262. Pain. Dr. Alexander; an Englishman; author of Mind and Body, the Theories of Their Relation (London: 1883). Balzac. Honoré de; the great French no...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 4
- Business, Aptitude For Elastic Palm. Fingers longer than Palm, with second knot marked and square tips. Strong first Phalanx of the Thumb and good Line of Head. Mount off Mercury most prominent, wi...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 5
- Composer Of Music (See Music, Apti-tude for.) Add to it a strong Mount of Mercury (for calculation) and put square fingers instead of pointed or conical. There will be less Mount of Venus than Moun...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 6
- Death, Extraordinary Escape From Case: 352. Death Of A Child. Cruel Case: 270. Death Of Husband In A State Of Insanity Case: 184. Case: 353. Death On Battle Field In a good hand w...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 7
- Dramatic Profession, Aptitude For Square fingers with no knots, or only the second knot. Good first phalanx of the thumb. High Mounts of Jupiter, Sun and Mercury, and some Mounts of Venus and the M...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 8
- Fall From Horseback, Dangerous Case: 347. Fame And Success A star on the Mount of Jupiter and another star at the end of a fine line of the Sun. A clear Line of Fate from Rascette to Mount of...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 9
- Fortune, By Unaided Efforts The Lines of Fate and the Sun starting from inside a well formed Triangle. Long First Phalanx of the Thumb. Fine, straight Line of Head and Mounts of the Sun and Mercury...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 10
- Head. Wound On Capillary cross lines on Mount of Jupiter. A break of the Line of Head. Health. The Line Of The Line of Liver Heart, Hypertrophy Of The Case: 251. Heartless Dispositio...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 11
- ILL-Health. Temporary A portion, of the Line of Life thin or chained, Illness Caused By Love Sorrows Lines connecting Lines of Life and Heart. Illness, Not Very Serious A bar cutting Li...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 12
- Intestinal Trouble Case: 281. Intrepidity Square palm. Smooth, spatulate fingers, with square, strong nails. Third finger above normal. Rather short thumb, with first phalanx longer than seco...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 13
- Life In Convent A square at the lower part of the Mount of Venus. A grille on the Mount of Jupiter in an otherwise excellent hand. Life Ruined By Imprudence Widely separated Lines of Life and...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 14
- Map Of The Hand 29. Illustration - 31. Back of the Hand: 1. Hand Proper; 2. Fingers; 3. Thumb; 4. Tips; 5. Knots; 6. Nails; 7. Hair. Inside of the Hand: 1. Mounts (Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mer...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 15
- Moral Nature, ILL-Balanced Damp skin, especially if clammy cold - 39. Morbid Disposition Yellow-hued and soft palm. Second Finger too long, especially the first phalanx. Mount of Saturn exagg...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 16
- Overwork Or Dissipation, Signs Of A much islanded Line of Head. Owen, Sir Richard; an Englishman (1804); author of On the Nature of Limbs (London: 1849). Oxenford, Ina; an Englishwoman; aut...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 17
- Politics Aptitude For Statesman revealed by line Mounts, ot Jupiter, the Sun and Mercury. With a Line of Head beginning high on the Mount of Jupiter and slightly forked at the end, and with fine Mo...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 18
- Saturn, The Ring Of The Girdle of Venus - 30. There is, however, a Ring of Saturn, just encircling the base of the Finger, on the Mount, the meaning of which - Extraordinary Magic (or Occult) Power...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 19
- Suicide, Attempted Case: 351. Sun, Mount Of The I. Position - 84. 2. Meanings - 86. 3. Displacements - 89. 4. Revealing Illnesses - 89. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicide - 90. 6. Signs 101. ...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 20
- Types Of Hands, Leading I, The Psychic (or Pointed) - 57. 2. The Artistic (or Conical) - 59. 3. The Useful (or Square) - 61. 4. The Necessary (or Spatulate) - 63. 5. The Philosophical (or Knotted) ...
Palmistry Dictionary. Part 21
- Voyages, Unlucky Broken, crossed, starred, islanded Horizontal Lint's along the Percussion of the Mount, of the Moon. Two lines from the Ras-cette to the Mount of Saturn, crossing each other there....
Process For Making Prints Of The Hands
- First. Use a paper about the consistency of that used for typewriting purposes. Second Procure some gum camphor. Take only a, very small piece of it and place it in a plate. Third. Light it up w...
Appendix. Reading Of Dates On Horizontal Lines
- I. Time Measurements on the Mounts end on the Lines of Heart end Heed. II. A Model Chart for a complete Hand-Reading, containing a much recommended method to be followed by all amateaurs and conscient...
Comte C. De Saint-Germain's Model Chart For Complete Hand-Reading
- L. H.-Left Hand. R. H.-Right Hand Hand Proper Length......Width......Proportion to Fingers......Shape...... Thickness......Consistency......Skin.....Hair......Nails..... Fingers. Length.........
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