This hand shows most of the major palmistry indicators for psychic
abilities. Probably no person has ALL of these marks on their hands!
each indicator shows a different type of psychic talent. Even one
marking on a hand is sufficient to reveal considerable psychic abilities
in a specific paranormal area as indicated below.
1: Pointy Mercury Finger Tip: Very idealistic and sensitive to all matters dealing with life, living beings, beauty, and spirituality. Lives in a world closer to the spiritual realm than the physical realm. This pointy Mercury finger tip indicates doors are open to the spiritual world if outside course, crude, and noisy environments are avoided. Meditation will help greatly to access information in the psychic realm.
2: Vertical Lines on Mercury Finger Tip: These lines indicate that psychic information flows in and out freely. Horizontal lines here would indicate the information was blocked. These vertical lines on Mercury finger tip indicate excellent psychic communication and sensitivity with spiritual realms. The deeper, longer, and clearer the vertical lines, the better the flow of psychic information. Anyone with these lines need just quiet the mind and listen for the subtle information from the psychic realm, and they will be very accurate.
3: Vertical lines on the Mercury Mound here are called a "Medical Stigmata" in traditional palmistry. Some palm readers will claim it is the "mark of a healer". These vertical lines on the Mercury Mound at the base of the Mercury finger represent excess energy trying to get out through the Mercury finger. This is a powerful mark that should be understood and used to help guide one through life. Be sure to study this more: Background Discover More . . .
4: This line is called the "Ring of Solomon". It reveals a psychic skill for seeing the true reality behind the false appearances of people, just as King Solomon could do. This practical and valuable skill is another form of psychic insight that is very useful in dealing with people. A person with this psychic line will not be mislead by other people. If you have this line you will quickly identify all the liars and fakes messing with you!
5: Line of Clairvoyance.This rare line indicates energy comes from the deep psychic part in the Mound of Moon. The line shows that the psychic information flows from Mercury Mound to the Mercury finger, which deals with sensitive and intimate communication. A person with this line is unusually very perceptive and can see psychic things others can not see. If you have this line it is very important to trust what you see and listen to the "inner voice" for daily decisions. If you have this rare line your wisdom will be freely and abundantly expressed and may surprise even yourself!
6: A long Head Line curved down in to the Mound of Moon. This line reveals imagination, creativity, insight, artistic ideas, and psychic abilities. The deeper it dips into Moon, the stronger these psychic talents are. People with this long curved Head Line have great imagination and often demonstrate psychic abilities. Great wisdom is easily and often expressed without any training on the subject because there is a mental connection to the psychic realm -- if the head line runs long and deep into the Mound of Moon.
7: These vertical lines on the Mound of Venus indicate the free flow of sympathy and compassion sincerely from deep within. It is very easy for a person with these lines to use loving compassion when doing a psychic reading with others, especially when the Mound of Venus is thick and "plump". These lines indicate a large flow of compassionate energy constantly flowing from the heart out to those nearby. Family and friends of this person will feel especially loved and enjoy every activity with him or her.
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