In Vedic astrology, gemstones are recommended based on your horoscope. It is believed that by wearing prescribed gemstones you can overcome the obstacles in your life.
The great Indian Astronomer cum astrologer VARAHAMIHIRA was first to know & study of gemstone, and its effects on human beings.
The effect of Gems is basically through the energy vibrations it creates when worn in the body and also through its colour.
It has since been scientifically proved and documented the various frequencies of energy vibrations emitted by the organic Gemstones. They vary from Gems to Gems and compares well with the energy vibrations to offset the imbalance produced in the human body.
The Planets bestow benefits and also cause ill effects as are aspected in the Rashi.
No Gemstone is always good or always bad. All Gemstone has positive & negative effects. Before you wear any gemstone, one should consult any good astrologer.
As general rule, only gemstone of strongest planets (Favorable) in one’s horoscope should be used to wear. Never wear gemstone by date of birth. (Sun sign)
The following table gives brief description of Planets, gemstone & God/Goddess of planets.
Sun ———–Ruby————— Lord Shiva
Moon———- Pearl ————– Lord Shiva/Parvathi/DurgaMa
Mars———- Coral————— Hanuman/ Kartikeya/Subramanya/Narasimha swamy
Mercury——- Emerald———– Vishnu/Parvathi
Jupiter——– Yellow-Sapphire —–Lord Shiva/Lord Brahma
Venus ——–Diamond ————- Lord Lakshmi/ DurgaMa
Saturn——- Blue-Sapphire ——– Lord Shani /Hanuman/Shiva
Rahu——- Gomed —————- Lord Hanuman/Lord shiva/ Subramanya
Ketu——— Cat’s eye ————-Ganesha/Bhairav
There are two types of philosophies in gemstone selection.
ANUKUL Choosing Method: A Vedic Gemstone will act “SAME” as it’s planet – So gems should be chosen for Anukul (favorable) planets.
PRATIKUL Choosing Method: A Vedic Gemstone will act “OPPOSITE” of its planet – So gems should be chosen for Pratikul (unfavorable) Planets.
Anukul choosing method, in which one’s auspicious (Anukul) planet(s) (exalted, moolatrikona stana, own sign, benefic, great friend, good house, owner of good house, etc.) is used for selection of gemstone, based on the concept that lucky planet = lucky gem.
Pratikul choosing method for overcoming a weak or evil planet, based on the misconception that a ‘pratikul’ (inauspicious) planet is strengthened by wearing it’s gem and there by it changes from being inauspicious (pratikul) to become auspicious (anukul).
An anukul planet can always be strengthened, but a pratikul planet should never be strengthened.
84% of World’s Gemologist believes in Anukul choosing method, only 16% believe in Pratikul choosing method.
I have seen many astrologers’s suggesting gemstones for Pratikul planet, but no gemstone will act against their planets. By wearing Pratikul planet gemstone you are increasing negative power of the planet.
I always suggest Anukul Choosing Method only.
For Benefic (Positive) Analysis.
1. If the planet is in exaltation.
2. If the planet is in its own sign.
3. If the planet is debilitated retrograde.
4. If the planet is exalted in navamsa chart
5. If the planet is placed in same house both in Rashi chart and Navamsa chart etc.
6. If the planet is in a good house.
7. If the planet is Lord of two good houses.
8. If the planet is functional benefic.
Still there are many more combinations.
For malefic (Negative) Analysis.
1. If the planet is debilitated.
2. If the planet is exalted retrograde.
3. If the planet is debilitated in navamsa chart.
4. If the planet is functional enemy of Lagna Lord.
5. If the planet is in conjunction with malefic lord.
6. If the planet is aspected by malefic lord.
7. If the planet is Lord of two bad houses.
8. If the planet is in a bad house.
Still there are many more combinations.
When choosing gemstone, astrologer adds up the plus (+) & minus (-) in one’s horoscope. & the planet which gives maximum number of pluses is selected & corresponding Gemstone is recommended.
Important Note: -
1. Don’t wear gemstones without consulting a good Vedic astrologer.
2. Don’t wear gemstone according to date of birth.
KETU Cat's Eye | JUPITER Yellow Sapphire | MERCURY Green Emerald |
SATURN Blue Sapphire | SUN Ruby | VENUS Diamond |
RAHU Hessonite | MARS Red Coral | MOON |
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