Is associated with healing, serenity, calmness, nobility,
and honesty.
(1570) A fine-grained variegated chalcedony (a member of the quartz family), usually with
colors arranged in stripes, blended in clouds or showing moss-like
forms (Moss Agate). Agates are generally formed by water seeping into cavities in volcanic rocks
and depositing mineral salts in layers which over the centuries have hardened into
varied-colored bands of chalcedony. These bands are often concentric, producing beautiful patterns.
Named after the River Achetes
in Sicily, agate is said to have been the eighth stone in the
breastplate of the ancient high priest.
In historic times, water in which it had been placed was
used for cooking and drinking in order to alleviate sickness.
Thought to protect the wearer from danger, encourage
boldness and stimulate success, it has been used as a cure for
insomnia, to ensure pleasant dreams and to relieve
stress. Agate fosters love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity,
acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength,
security and appreciation of nature. Can help with childbirth, menstrual cramps, teething and
grounding. It is thought to be of
assistance in childbirth as well as in the
treatment of heart disease. It may alleviate eyesight,
hearing and hair problems and assist in cases of poisoning. Agate is
zodiac stone for Gemini (21 May to 21 June).
(1837, from Alexander 1, Russian emperor)
A variety of chrysoberyl that exhibits the color green by sunlight and red-violet by artificial light.
Alexandrite, a rare stone, is
considered to have regenerative power. It is thought
to bring emotional and mental aspects into balance, to
reinforce self-esteem and enhance one's ability to experience joy.
It is treasured as a magical stone in the Orient
bringing good fortune to its owner. It has been used in the treatment
disorders of the nervous system, spleen and pancreas,
and has helped with disorders associated with leukemia. Alexandrite
is one of the birthstones for June (with pearl and moonstone),
symbolizing health and longevity, and is Friday's
from Amazon River)
A variety of feldspar, which is the most abundant and
common material known, amazonite can vary from a green jade
color to turquoise. It is formed in unusually large
crystals, some up to a ton in size, in the pegmatite stage of granite.
Amazonite is another of the
sacred green stones that were
valued by the ancient Egyptians. It is said to have been
one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest and has
been used in jewelry for centuries. Named after the
Amazon River, this stone was worn by the South American
Natives to protect them from poisonous bites. Because of
its high copper content, amazonite is very healing and
is a good stone to carry or wear for looking after one's general
health. Thought to be helpful for soothing the emotional
processes and relieving worries and fears, amazonite soothes
irritating and negative energy and helps with
communications concerning love. It can also help to promote clarity and
balancing of the many aspects of one's personality. Amazonite
inspires growth, sincerity,
honor, self-love, integrity, trust, clairvoyance,
clarity, prophecy and openness. Opens creativity. Held to the third eye
(middle of forehead), Amazonite unlocks psychic vision. Amazonite is a useful remedy for muscle spasms and can help correct
calcium deficiencies and increase the body's resistance to tooth decay and osteoporosis.
(14th century) An organic stone, amber is the
fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees. These now-extinct plants produced enormous
quantities of resin which fell to the ground or filled large cracks and holes in the trees where it eventually became
fossilized. It is hard and golden to yellow-brown in color.
was one of the first substances used by men for amulets,
medicine and decoration. It was brought to the foothills of the Alps
from the Baltic coast and the distances covered to obtain it,
vast for those days, give an idea of its importance. In ancient times
it was ground or soaked and then consumed or drunk as a
remedy for illness. It was used in the fire ceremonies of ancient
tribal healers and is still a sacred stone to both the Native Americans
and Eastern Indians. From medieval days, it was burned to clear the
environment of negativity.
Amber brings romantic love, purification, wisdom, energy and balance.
It enhances patience, altruism, strength, calmness, healing,
remembrance of past lives and ancient knowledge. This stone absorbs and
transmutes negative energy. Amber is considered to be healing,
soothing and harmonizing and to exert a positive influence on the
endocrine system, spleen and heart. It has helped in the treatment
of asthma, ear trouble, infection, malaria, rheumatism and cutting
teeth. It is sometimes called the "Mindful One" because it not only
remembers past centuries but helps with simple absent-mindedness!
(13th century, from Greek word
amethystos, meaning "remedy against drunkenness").
A variety of crystallized quartz that occurs in colors
ranging from deep purple to pale lavender.
The presence of manganese in clear quartz produces
amethyst, while the amount of iron content varies the strength of the
purple coloration.
The Romans believed this stone
prevented drunkenness and used to drink out of amethyst-encrusted
goblets; some believe the effect
to be the same today if an amethyst is placed in a glass
wine. Amethyst is thought to bestow stability , strength
and peace, to relieve stress,
and to calm passion, emotional violence and anger. Amethyst is associated with
increased nobility, spiritual awareness, meditation, balance, psychic
abilities, inner peace, healing and positive transformation. This stone
brings an understanding of death and rebirth and relieves stress.
Amethyst is a teacher of all things spiritual, mystic and psychic. It helps
dreaming, dispels nightmares. It is known as the "sobriety stone",
helps break bad habits. It is a powerful healing gem, having been used in treating disorders of the
nervous system, digestive tract, heart, stomach, skin and teeth. It has also been helpful
in the treatment of blood disease, burns and scalds, color blindness, infections and edema.
An amethyst under the pillow can aid sleeplessness ...an amethyst placed on the
center of the forehead can relieve the pain of headaches and other disorders. Amethyst is the birthstone for
February, symbolizing sincerity, and the zodiac
stone for Pisces (19 February to 20 March).
(1598, from aqua marina, Latin for" sea
water"). A transparent variety of beryl that is blue, blue-green or green in color. The blue variety is the most
valuable and the darker the blue, the more valuable the stone.
Aquamarine was the eighth
foundation stone in the wall of the New Jerusalem and was used to guard
against injury during battle. Sometimes
known as the "Serene One", it is said to calm the nerves
and reduce fluid retention, enhancing clarity of
mind and aiding creative self -expression. Aquamarine
emits a gentle and compassionate energy ,
helping judgmental people to be more tolerant. It can
also help one who is
overloaded with responsibility to restore order. Associated with cleansing,
peace, prophecy, inspiration, tranquility, strength and the wise use of inner
power. This stone is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get in touch with
the nature spirits of the sea. It is used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears
and phobias. Promotes safe travel on the sea. It has been useful in the treatment
of eyesight problems, swollen glands, liver trouble and toothache. Aquamarine
is one of the birthstones for March (with
bloodstone), symbolizing courage.
(1811, from the French aventure,
meaning " chance" ) A variety of mineral, usually quartz or feldspar,
which is spangled with bright
particles of mica, hematite, etc. Ranges in color from golden brown to green.
The most common color is green.
Aventurine is said to aid in the release of anxieties and fears, promoting emotional
tranquility and positive attitudes towards life. It is also thought to enhance leadership
qualities and reinforce decisiveness. Aventurine
creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, career success, calmness
and balance. It helps us see alternatives and potentials. It is considered to be helpful in treating disorders
of the heart, lungs, adrenal glands and the muscular and urogenital systems. It has
also been useful in the treatment of eyesight and hair problems.
(1868, from azur, the
word for "azure", the blue color of the clear sky)
Azurite is a solid deep blue mineral consisting of basic carbonate of
It is found in a variety of forms including massive
pieces, nodules and
clusters. Too soft to be used as an ornamental stone, azurite was used in
ancient times (and even today) as a color pigment. Although it is rarely available in
cut form the stone has a strong luster when cut and polished.
Known as a "stone of heaven",
azurite was a sacred stone for the Native Americans
and was used to contact spiritual guides. The Mayans used the
stone to awaken psychic abilities and promote the transfer of
information through thought. In many other ancient civilizations
the stone has been a symbol of status. Azurite can help to
reduce indecision and bring relief from troubling thoughts and
worries. The stone is said to improve creativity and promote
self-confidence. Azurite
augments cleansing,
healing, transformation, perspective, purification, patience,
kindness, intuition, prophecy and truth. This stone offers
spiritual guidance, promotes psychic dreams, unites the
subconscious with the conscious mind and expands the limits of
our minds. Thought to
relieve any problems in the area of the larynx -either physical
or emotional -azurite can help with laryngitis, sore throat and
tonsillitis as well as public speaking, teaching; oral
examinations, etc. Azurite also assists with skin, bones, teeth
and circulation.
(14th century) A very hard mineral consisting of a silicate of beryllium and aluminium, beryl occurs
in a number of differently colored stones of which emerald is one. Colorless, it is
named goshenite, golden it is called heliodor, pink is known as
morganite, and the well-known blue variety is, of course, aquamarine.
Many years ago, beryl was said to safeguard sailors
(aquamarine) and travellers
(emerald) and was used in the treatment of throat, tooth, jaw, eye and stomach
complaints. Golden beryl is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high
priest. It represents purity and promotes initiative and independence in thought and action. It
has been used in the treatment of disorders of the heart, liver and spine and can also be helpful in
treating concussion and damage to the cranial portion of the head. It has also been used in the
treatment of eyesight problems as well as mouth and stomach complaints. Beryl is the
zodiac stone for Scorpio (24 October to 21 November). |
(HELIOTROPE)- (1515)Bloodstone is a variety of quartz which occurs in massive formations. The color is green with flecks
of red, although in smaller pieces of the mineral the red may not appear. It is also called
heliotrope which refers to turning towards the sun, inferring that the reflection of the sun is blood-red.
Bloodstone was said by the ancient scholar, Pliny, to have been used as a mirror for viewing an eclipse
of the sun. The red spots in legend represent the blood of Christ wounded on the cross. Bloodstone is said
to strengthen and oxygenate the bloodstream, enhancing physical and mental vitality. It will strengthen
the heart, spleen and bone marrow and aids in balancing iron deficiencies. It is a powerful physical
healer and reduces emotional/mental stress. It also stimulates the revitalization of friendships, love and other
relationships. It helps one to demonstrate unselfishness and idealism, to improve ones talents and abilities, to
enhance creative efforts and to support the decision-making processes. Bloodstone
brings alignment, organization, smooth energy flow, generosity, idealism, good
fortune and purification. It is good to keep a bloodstone in any place that
needs its energy cleansed. It has also been used in the rectification
of failing eyesight, lung congestion and rashes and has been helpful in the treatment of bladder and stomach
problems, hemorrhoids and inflammation. It helps in childbirth, stops bleeding, and
eliminates toxins. Bloodstone is one of the birthstones for March (with
aquamarine), symbolizing courage, and the zodiac
stone for Aries (21 March to 19 April).
CARNELIAN- (1695)A hard and tough translucent form of chalcedony that usually occurs in a uniform color of red, orange or red-brown.
Known thousands of years before
the birth of Christ; carnelian has been used extensively in
jewelry ever since, particularly for signet rings,
seals, cameos and scarabs because of its hardness and rich orange-red
Engraved with Arabic characters, it protected the wearer
from the tricks of the envious. Throughout the East envy is
feared, for it is believed that it will cause the envied
to lose his possessions. It was the
favorite stone of the prophet Mohammed and verses from
the Koran have been found engraved on this stone. Carnelian is said to
stimulate analytical
capabilities and precision. It provides perceptiveness
and awakens one's inherent talents and skills and also protects
against fear and rage. It helps to alleviate sorrow and
can also be used to dispel apathy and indolence.
Carnelian is
linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity, individuality, memory,
appreciation of nature, harmony, courage, happiness, self- esteem, rebirth,
reincarnation and past life recall. This stone calms our fears about death and
rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life. It also
can aid reproduction, sexuality, menstrual cramps, lungs, asthma and
arthritis. Carnelian has been used
in the treatment of neuralgia and rheumatism, gall and kidney stones,
pollen allergies and colds, and can
aid in the relief of disorders of the spine, spleen and
pancreas. It has also been effective in the treatment of infection,
fever, blood poisoning and muscle spasms. Carnelian is
the zodiac
stone for Virgo (23 August to 22 September).
CAT'S EYE- (1599)The
terminology Cat's Eye sometimes refers to a variety of chryoberyl but
more commonly to silicified asbestos known
as Tiger's Eye or Hawk Eye (both shown above). Cat's Eye
shows a light-colored line that changes position as the gem is turned,
giving it a resemblance to the eye of a cat. The color
range is endless due to the numerous stones in which it may occur.Also
known as Cymophane.
This mineral is said to represent happiness and serenity and to amplify one's "luck".
Cat's Eye builds determination, strength of mind,
steadfastness, will power, moral courage, tenacity, vigor, resolve, self
control, intelligence and knowledge. It also fosters constancy, stability and
the ability to weather all storms. It
can act to stimulate intuition and to enhance
awareness and can also be used in the treatment of eye
disorders or to increase vision responses during night-driving. In
addition, cat's-eye has been used to relieve headaches
and pain associated with the nervous system as well as asthma and
bowel cramp. Cat's-Eye is Thursday's
(13th century, named after an
ancient city in Turkey near
Istanbul) Chalcedony is a variety of quartz and can be
transparent, translucent or opaque. There are many types and colors of
chalcedony, some of which are covered
in this list of stones, including agate, bloodstone,
chrysoprase, carnelian,
jasper, onyx and
Chalcedony was used for
centuries to promote stability in the ceremonial activities of Native
tribes and the Tibetans revered it as a symbol of the
lotus flower. White chalcedony was given to nursing mothers to increase
Stemming from the nurturing energy within the stone,
chalcedony symbolizes benevolence, relieving hostilities, irritability
depression, and stimulating optimism and goodwill. The
stone also promotes generosity , receptivity and responsiveness.
Chalcedony is thought to bring relief from problems in
the area of the throat and neck, both physical problems and those
associated with using the voice, such as lecturing, etc.
Chalcedony has been used to bring
tranquility to the nervous system and to dispel worrying
thoughts. In addition it
is said to promote mental stability and to cure various
forms of dementia.
ranges from yellow to green to brown.
There are many types and colors of
chrysoberyl, some of which are covered in this list of stones, including
alexandrite, aquamarine,
cat's eye and emerald.
Chrysoberyl is said to promote kindness,
generosity, benevolence, hope, optimism, renewal, new beginnings, compassion
and forgiveness.
blue-green member of the quartz clan. Also known as Gem Silica.
Chrysocolla is associated with tranquility, serenity, peace, subconscious wisdom,
intuition, patience, nurturance, acceptance, tolerance, unconditional love,
honesty, hope, intimacy, gentleness and sensitivity. Also it protects against
negativity and jealousies. It eases emotional heartache and helps digestion.
(14th century) The word chrysolite (Greek for "gold
stone") applies to any gold-coloured stone, but historians agree that
peridot, though green in color, was the stone referred to as chrysolite.
Chrysolite is the
zodiac stone for Libra (23 September
to 23 October). |
(13th century)A fine-grained quartz which derives its beautiful apple-green color from the presence of nickel in the stone.
Chrysoprase was called the "Stone of Venus" by the Romans. In the middle ages it was valued as a cure for
restlessness, for making the wearer quick-witted and for imparting adaptability and presence of mind. It
was also carried as a safety measure by those undertaking sea voyages. Chrysoprase is said to be a very "inward-
looking" stone, helping with calming, balancing and
inner mental healing while enhancing lightheartedness and
joy. It can moderate superiority or inferiority
complexes and is thought to encourage fidelity in business and personal
affairs. This stone is considered protective
towards children, young animals and seedlings. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the heart, to control bleeding, to increase one's dexterity and
to relieve frailty and infirmity . Chrysoprase is also thought to be helpful in childbirth.
(1748)A variety of quartz, the color ranging from yellow to golden brown to burnt amber.
Citrine is said to be one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient high priest. It is thought to stimulate both
mental focus and endurance. It can help dispel fundamental levels of fear, brightening even the darkest
corners of one's perceived reality and helping one to "laugh without restraint". It is very useful in assisting
to penetrate problems and expedite solutions. Augments happiness, prosperity, generosity, creativity, pleasure,
protection, strength, alignment, confidence, stability, energy, comfort,
truth, goodness and warmth. It helps assimilation, enjoyment of
life and spiritual growth. This is a stone of success in all walks of life. It can also be helpful in the treatment of digestive and
blood circulation disorders.
COBALT- Fosters channeling,
communication with the higher forces, balancing and praying. Cobalt teaches us to be
open and give thanks.
COPPER- This metal promotes
channeling, cleansing, luck, prosperity, purification, self-esteem,
communication and energy. Copper is often used as the shaft of crystal
wands because it facilitates the flow of energy.
(14th century)Coral, the vacated housing of a marine animal, comes from the sea. The kind of coral traditionally used in
jewelry is found in reefs in the tropical waters of Polynesia, off the coast of Japan and in the Mediterranean.
Although red coral is most frequently used in jewelry , other colors include pink, white, black and blue.
Coral was highly regarded as a
symbol of vitality by the Tibetans and American Indians and was thought
to be
indispensable in bone formation, particularly for
children. These beliefs applied particularly to red coral and it
was even considered to be an indication of blood disease
if the coral became paler when worn. Representing
diplomacy and concurrence, coral is said to quiet the
emotions and bring
inner peace as well as promoting intuition, imagination
visualisation. White Coral
is linked with
balance, relaxation, protection, safe travel on water and appreciation of
nature. Pink Coral is associated with platonic love, friendship
and community. Red Coral promotes creativity, passion, romantic
love, wisdom, optimism and enthusiasm. Red
Coral is believed to be useful for treating anemia, circulation problems, menstrual disorders and infertility.
Black Coral grants
serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy.
(1728) The second hardest of all minerals, corundum
consists of aluminium oxide and occurs in massive
form and as variously colored crystals, which include
the ruby and sapphire. Apart
from red and blue, the color range includes orange,
yellow, grey-to-brown, black, bronze with pearly lustre, pink, green and
Corundum is said to have been
one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. It
enhances insight
and intuitive awareness and moderates harsh and
irritating attitudes. Corundum is also thought to help calm the
emotions and help one to release anger in a positive
way. This stone has been used in the treatment of eye disorders
and to soothe and smooth the skin. |
CRYSTAL- (13th century, from the Greek
krystallos, meaning ice) A clear, transparent form of quartz which has not been colored by the presence of
other minerals. The "purest" of all quartzes.
One of earth's most common minerals is also known as rock
crystal or quartz
Because quartz transmits heat it is cool to touch and crystal was originally believed to have been ice
that had lost its ability to melt. Quartz crystals have been used for religious purposes since ancient times
when priests used them to render negative energy impotent, to destroy black magic and to dissolve
enchantments and spells. Quartz is said to have been one of the stones used in the breastplate of the ancient
high priest. Quartz crystals have been used extensively by many cultures
for diagnostic healing. During the days
of the "old ways", people as widely dispersed as Native Americans,
African tribes, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs,
Australian Aborigines, Romans, Celts, Scots and Tibetan Buddhists relied
on quartz crystals to
recognize the origin of disease. Romans used crystals to reduce fevers
and to relieve pain...in medieval times they were held against the
to alleviate fever as well as diminish thirst. Numerous healing
properties have been ascribed to quartz in general and
crystal in particular since ancient times and it is, in fact, used more frequently today for healing and diagnosis than any
other stone ...naturopaths, faith healers, clairvoyants and psychic healers commonly use crystal.
Clear quartz crystals
facilitate wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation,
communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart,
intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmony and love. This
stone amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualizations.
(14th century, from the Greek word
adamas, meaning "invincible ")A native crystalline carbon that is
usually nearly
colorless, although white, black and various pale shades
of pink, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and brown are found. All good
gem diamonds are transparent and free of flaws, and colorless stones,
known as white diamonds, are extremely valuable. Considered the hardest
substance on the earth, diamonds are also widely used industrially.
The diamond has traditionally
played a part in history as a symbol of royal power. During ancient
times it was commonly used as a talisman against cowardice and was
valued as a stone
to bestow invulnerability .The power of the diamond was
believed to work only when the stone was freely given. In ancient times
it was given to ensure love, promote harmony and dispel anger. It was
first cut in the 14th century but it took until 1910 for the modem
brilliant cut (a form of cut with numerous facets giving the stone
special brilliance) to develop. In Greek mythology, Eros, the god of
erotic love, is said to have used arrows tipped with diamonds to
stimulate people to fall in love with one another. The brilliance of
diamonds was supposed to shine a light that kept negativity at bay. It
symbolized durability, incorruptibility and
invincibility. Amante de Dio (Italian for diamond) means 'lover of God'.
The diamond stimulates clear mental sight and is said to amplify the
full spectrum of energies in mind, body and spirit, inspiring innocence,
faithfulness, abundance and serenity.
The Clear Diamond is said to bond relationships, and encourage
innocence, love, longevity, balance, clarity, profundity, abundance, courage,
purity, hope and discernment. This stone helps us get to the essence of
things. Black Diamonds grant us the courage to look
within without illusion. Blue Diamonds inspire us to take better
care of our health and strengthen will power. Pink Diamonds
foster creative expression. Yellow Diamonds make us more
thoughtful and considerate. Diamonds are
also thought to be helpful in the treatment of poisoning. Diamond is the
birthstone for April, symbolizing innocence.
(14th century)
A green form of beryl, emerald takes its color
from the presence of chrome in the stone and is probably the most
valuable of all precious stones.
from as early as 2,000 BC, the emerald was very popular with the
ancient Egyptians. It was named as the fourth foundation stone in the
wall of the new Jerusalem. It was said to heal inflammation, was used as
an antiseptic and even used to cure major infections such as the
plague, by rubbing the stone
on a sore. The jewel of Venus, Roman goddess of love and beauty,
emerald is known as a "stone of successful love" and is said to promote
domestic bliss and to instill both sensitivity and loyalty in oneself as
well as in others. It aids fertility, growth, honesty and
(this is a truth-promoting stone, inspiring
deep knowing from within) and is thought to
be helpful if you are feeling vulnerable in a relationship. The emerald
is said to solve complex problems by stimulating the brain and the
memory .It is considered to be an antidote for poison and to heal
diseases of the eye and improve eyesight as well as being good for bones
and teeth. Emerald is used as a cure-all, strengthening the heart,
liver, kidneys and immune system and
and toning the body and mind. It can be used to improve the memory and
to stimulate the use of greater mental capacity . Emerald is the
birthstone for May,
symbolizing love and success, and the zodiac
stone for Cancer (22 June to 22 July).
FIRE AGATE- Is said to
help those who are overly timid become more assertive and self-expressive.
Fire agate associated with courage, protection, enthusiasm and goodness. See agate.
FIRE OPAL- Inspires
dynamic energy, intensity, passion, emotional expressiveness. also see Opal.
FLUORITE- Commonly white,
yellow, blue, green, purple, or a mixture of these colors. Fluorite fosters
truth, intellect, consciousness, aura cleansing and protection. It also
assists in focusing and centering, and in balancing when working on the
computer. Called the "genius stone" it helps one's ability to
concentrate. Blue Fluorite calms the emotions.
Fluorite increases spiritual balance and mystic visions. Yellow
Fluorite nurtures wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. White
Fluorite builds purity of spirit. Fluorite is a very protective stone,
especially offering psychic protection.
(14th century, derived from the Latin word
for pomegranate as garnets were thought to resemble
the seeds of this fruit) A brittle and more or less transparent
silicate mineral, the name covers a wide variety of chemically different
stones of varying
the most popular being red or
The best known garnets are the dark red
varieties which have been used for thousands of years and were
particularly fashionable during the Victorian era. Garnets have been
valued as a sacred stone by the Native Americans, the South American
Natives, the Aztecs, the African tribal elders and the Mayans. Statues
of Isis, the Egyptian nature goddess, often included garnets in her
ceremonial belt, probably representing her blood and her power. The
powers of garnet tend to reflect the attributes of devotion and it is
strongly associated with the balancing of the sex drive and emotional
disharmony, bringing love, compassion and an enhanced imagination.
Associated with love and passion, the garnet has been known as a "stone
of commitment" to purpose, to others and to oneself.
Red Garnet inspires positive thoughts, inspiration, energy, past life recall,
career success, social popularity and self- confidence. It helps us become
more productive and achievement oriented. Green Garnet augments peace, serenity,
meditation, creativity, healing, purification, patience and clarity of
thought. The stone has been used in the treatment of toxicity , mental depression, heart trouble, inflammation and
under active thyroid. Garnet is the birthstone for January, symbolizing constancy, and the
zodiac stone for Aquarius (21 January to 18 February)
GEODES- Foster intellectual
insight, awareness and community. Geodes help us attract compatible friends
and lovers and teach us to live in harmony with each other.
GOLD- Gold is associated with
virtue, moral excellence, nobility of mind, purification, happiness, honor,
wealth, strength of will, generosity, positive thoughts, energy, good humor,
courage, stability, luck and opportunity. This metal stimulates action and
ennobles the character.
(1530, from the Greek word aima or ema, meaning blood, apparently because of the red color of powdered hematite and the
color of some larger pieces) Hematite is a
relatively common iron ore, occurring in thin, relatively brittle,
crystals which are black or a dark iron-grey. The individual crystals
have a strong, metallic
luster. It may also be less solid, almost earthy, and red in color.
Hematite has been called a "stone for the
mind", helping one to sort out troubling issues on one's mind. It can be
helpful in the enhancement of mental attunement, memory , original
thinking and technical knowledge. Although this stone stimulates mental
capability , it also produces a calming influence. Dispelling
self-limiting concepts, it promotes the
realization of one's full potential. This stone has been traditionally considered to have a
beneficial effect on legal situations. It
is also capable of helping the body to remain cool; placed on the
forehead, it will draw out the heat from a fever. Hematite can be used
in the treatment of leg cramps,
anemia, nervous disorders and insomnia and is said to increase
resistance to stress. It has been known to assist in spinal alignment
and in the healing of fractures. Placing pieces of hematite on the base
of the spine, on the area of misalignment and on the top of the spine is
said to aid in adjustment of the vertebrae. Although it was
traditionally used in jewelry for mourning, it is today found combined
with pearls in fashion jewelry.
(1657, from the Spanish piedra de la ijada,
literally meaning loin stone from the belief that jade cures renal
colic) Technically there are two minerals comprising jade:
jadeite, which is normally white to pale green, but sometimes bright green (imperial jade) or even
blue/grey or pink; and nephrite, which has a fine texture and is also usually green.
Jade was used in ancient times for weapons,
utensils and ornaments. It is one of the toughest minerals known and was
probably the most revered stone in Ancient China, representing the five
cardinal virtues of charity , modesty ,courage, justice and wisdom.
Almost all Chinese wore apiece of jade in one form or another to protect
the wearer from illness and accidental injury. It was used by ancient
primitive tribes as a sacred stone, assisting them in access to the
spiritual worlds. Old writings suggest it protects the wearer from
kidney problems and brings good luck in games of chance. It is a soft,
gentle stone and is believed to promote
a long and prosperous life. It is good for flexibility and tolerance...a
stone of friendship.
All jade augments fertility, serenity,
wisdom, practicality, tranquility, balance, peace, harmony, moderation,
perspective, equilibrium and stability. This is a stone that helps us
understand our dreams and teaches us to live in harmony with the laws of
nature and spirit. Black Jade offers protection from
negativity and fosters the wise use of power. Blue Jade inspires
meditation. Butterfat Jade brings relaxation.
Jade inspires love, optimism and beauty. Orange Jade enhances energy
and protection. White Jade fosters practical application of
spirituality. Yellow Jade is linked with assimilation,
digestion, understanding and empathy.
Taken in a drink, jade can strengthen the muscles, harden the bones,
calm the mind and purify the blood. It soothes, heals and balances, is
good for asthma and heart, kidney and bladder problems.
JADEITE- Wide range of
colors. A component of jade. Jadeite encourages emotional balance, a sense of well being and healing
(14th century) A form of opaque, usually
patterned, chalcedony which is found in massive formations. The mineral
is usually stained by impurities and occurs in various
colors such as red, green, yellow and blue. The popular red variety is a
fine-grained quartz,
colored by inclusions of hematite. The colors may be arranged in bands
of red or a mottled mixture of many different patterns and
colors, such as leopard jasper, desert
jasper and picasso jasper.
From ancient times this hard and durable
gemstone was cherished for its beauty and mystical properties. The
jasper mentioned in the Bible as one of the stones in the breastplate of
the ancient high priest and in the wall of the New Jerusalem is
believed to have been a dark green, opalescent stone. Jasper is believed
to bring good health as well as courage and wisdom in undertakings
involving risk. Because of its physical properties, engravers of ancient
Greece, Rome and Egypt carved this stone into exquisite cameos,
intaglios and scarabs. Jasper was considered a sacred stone by the
Native Americans .
The jasper containing a yellow color was used to assist and protect
during times of travel (spiritual and physical), that containing the red
color was thought to induce health and rebirth, bringing fresh ideas to
the holder and that containing the blue color was used to connect one
with the "after" worlds.
Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion,
nurturing, consolation, tranquility, completion, wholeness, healing and gentle
endings. Jasper is also a good stone for those
who need organizational abilities.
Jasper can be used in the treatment of tissue deterioration of the
internal organs and for disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver
and stomach. It can also be used to treat the loss of the sense of
smell and is thought to soothe the nerves .
JET- A form of coal. The color is
black. jet fosters nobility, honor, decency, justice, goodness, protection,
optimism, emotional balance, courteousness, happiness, benevolence,
confidence, transformation, positive growth, courage and leadership abilities.
This stone encourages us to stay centered in all situations.
A pink to light violet member of the Spodumene clan. Kunzite is associated
with gentleness, friendliness, self-discipline, emotional balance, inner love,
maturity, security, calmness, openness and moderation. This stone synthesizes
loving thoughts a and communication, self-love, unconditional love and
romantic love. Kunzite helps us attract gentle friends and teaches us to
combine compassionate self-love with discipline.
LABRADORITE- (1814, derived from its main source, Labrador peninsula in Canada) A type of feldspar with an uninteresting background
color but displaying an iridescence which gives the stone its value. The background
color is a dark smoke grey, but when light strikes it in a particular direction, it displays striking
rainbow-colored reflections (peacock blue, coppery red or dusky gold) known as labradorescence.
Also known as spectrolite.
Labradorite is thought by some to symbolize the
moon and the sun and has, in fact, been found to be a constituent of
moon rock. Feldspar, and therefore
labradorite, assists one to progress from old ways, encouraging
unconventional and exciting new methods to attain one's goals.
Labradorite can also
assist one to handle changes, promoting strength and perseverance. It
has been known as the matriarch of the subconscious mind, facilitating
the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought.
Labradorite promotes psychic
abilities, occult powers, strength of will and a feeling of inner worth.
Labradorite strengthens and protects our aura and teaches us to use Mystical
power wisely and well. This stone also aids us in communicating with our
highest self.
It is said to be helpful in the treatment of disorders of the brain, to
stimulate mental acuity and to reduce anxiety and stress. It can assist
in digestion, regulation and metabolism and has
been used to clarify the eyes. Labradorite is Saturday's
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