Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gemstone Healing Properties

BARITE - Wide color range. Is linked with platonic love, friendship, loyalty, love andrelationships. This is a stone of interpersonal communication and intimacy.

BENITOITE - Light to dark blue. Is associated with emotional sensitivity, empathy andunderstanding.

BERYL - An ore of beryllium. CLEAR BERYL (also known as Goshenite) increases

intellectual abilities, wisdom and the capacity to see things from all sides.

GOLDEN BERYL (also known as Heliodor) brings persistence, altruism, spirituality, healing, strength, learning,communication and comfort. PINK BERYL (also known as Morganite or Bixbite) fosters tolerance, empathy, love, acceptance and a "live and let live" attitude.

BERYLLIUM - Is associated with altered states, meditation and cosmic consciousness.

BLOODSTONE - Quartz. A dark green Chalcedony with red flecks. Also called Heliotrope. Brings rain, abundance, alignment, organization,smooth energy flow, generosity, idealism, good fortune and purification. It is good to keep a bloodstone in any place that needs its energy cleansed.

BLUE LACE AGATE - See Lace Agate.

BLUE QUARTZ - Also called siderite. Inspires spiritual development, meditation psychic abilities and serenity.

Crown Jewels . . . STRANGE Properties of Stones

BORNlTE - A metallic mineral with a purple tarnish. Is associated with peace, social justice,goodness, fairness, truth and equality. It fosters caring on a worldwide scale, teaching us to be concerned with the welfare of all beings on earth.

BOTSWANA AGATE - Quartz. A banded agate that is said to augment protection,

fertility, sensuality, sexuality, passion, artistic expression and emotional comfort.

BRAZILIANITE - Yellow or greenish-yellow. Is associated with academic achievement,

attention to detail, improved study skills and increased intelligence.

BRONZE - Is associated with relaxation, serenity, calmness. Helps promote a laid-back attitude.

CALCITE - A carbonate mineral. GOLD CALCITE is said to deepen intellect, memory,

wisdom, psychic abilities, astral projection, channeling and higher consciousness. GREEN

CALCITE promotes healing, mental balance and communication between the intellect and the emotions. WHITE CALCITE (also known as Iceland Spar) fosters spirituality. GRAY

CALCITE encourages calmness and serenity. RED CALCITE opens the heart chakra..

CARNELIAN - Quartz. A form of Chalcedony. Its color is reddish-orange or brown.

Carnelian is linked with emotional warmth, sociability, creativity,individuality, memory, appreciation of nature, harmony, courage,happiness, self-esteem, rebirth, reincarnation and past life recall. Thisstone calms our fears about death and rebirth, bringing serenity and acceptance of the great cycle of life.

CASSITERITE - A tin oxide, usually brown or black. Less often red, gray or yellow. Cassiterite is said to promote productivity, practicality and organization. It empowers us in worldly endeavors and practical pursuits

CAT'S EYE - Also known as Cymophane. Builds determination, strength of mind,steadfastness, will power, moral courage, tenacity, vigor, resolve, self control, intelligence and knowledge. It also fosters constancy, stability and the ability to weather all storms.

Crown Jewels . . . STRANGE Properties of Stones

CELESTITE - A strontium compound. The color is light blue or white. Celestite fosters spiritual development, enlightenment, empathy prayer. openness, innocence, truth, clarity of thought and pureness of heart. This stone helps us contact our guardian angel.

CERUSSITE - Clear, gray, brown.. Inspires contentment and a feeling of thankfulness.

Teaches us how to pray.

CHALCEDONY - Quartz. Usually gray, but may also be brown, black, blue or white. Augments emotional balance, vitality, stamina, endurance, energy, intensity, hardiness,nurturance, generosity, liveliness, kindness, charity and friendliness.

CHALCOPYRITE - A brassy gold copper ore with a green tint. Enhances feelings of self-worth, confidence and belief in oneself.

CHANNELING CRYSTALS - Some people feel that a clear quartz crystal wrapped

in copper wire is best; some believe a crystal with seven-sided front facet and an opposite facet that is an equilateral triangle is good for channeling; others feel that all clear quartz crystals are excellent for channeling the higher forces.

CHLORITE - Usually green, less often white, brown or black. A stone of the Goddess.Protective of women, nature and those who love and protect the wild places and animals.

CHRYSOBERYL - The color ranges from yellow to green to brown. Chrysoberyl is said to promote kindness, generosity, benevolence, hope, optimism, renewal, new beginnings,compassion and forgiveness. This stone expresses springtime, youth and innocence.

CHRYSOCOLLA - A blue-green member of the quartz clan. Also known as Gem Silica. Is associated with tranquillity, serenity, peace,subconscious wisdom, intuition, patience, nurturance, acceptance,tolerance, unconditional love, calmness, meditation, honesty, hope,intimacy, gentleness and sensitivity.

CHRYSOPRASE - Quartz. A green form of chalcedony. Chrysoprase is linked withcommunication, eloquence, balance, stability, adaptability, alternatives, choices, higherconsciousness, youthful zest and hope. This stone is considered protective towards children,young animals and seedlings.

CINNABAR - Also known as mercury. Usually red. Helps us to be vigorous, forceful, impelling and energetic. Excellent for those who need to be more assertive.

CITRINE - A golden yellow quartz. Augments happiness, prosperity, generosity, creativity,pleasure, protection, strength, alignment, confidence, stability,

moderation, energy, comfort, career success, truth, goodness, warmth,

digestion, assimilation, enjoyment of life and spiritual growth. This is

a stone of success in all walks of life.

CLINOZOISITE - Light green to brownish-green. Teaches us to care for ourselves and

not to let others take advantage of us.

COBALT - Fosters channeling, communication with the higher forces, balance and praying.Helps make our prayers more effective. Teaches us to pray and give thanks more.

COBALTITE - The color is silver. Cobaltite is associated with reflection, meditation and re-evaluation. It promotes thoughtfulness and careful consideration. It allows us to see all sides of an issue and therefore fosters tolerance.

COLEMANITE - Translucent. Helps us become more yin: gentler, sweeter, quieter.

Excellent for "macho" men. Helps us mellow out.

COPPER - This metal promotes channeling, cleansing, luck, prosperity, purification, selfesteem,communication and energy. This metal is often used as the shaft of crystal wandsbecause it facilitates the flow of energy.

CORAL - Coral is formed from the skeletons of tiny sea creatures. WHITE CORAL is linked with balance, relaxation, protection, safe travel on water, appreciation of nature, and emotional balance. PINK CORAL is associated with platonic love, friendship and community.

RED CORAL promotes creativity, passion, romantic love, wisdom, optimism and enthusiasm.

BLACK CORAL grants serenity and peace while absorbing negative energy.

COVELLITE - A blue metallic mineral with a purple or black tarnish. Helps us focus our energy and expend it with direction and effectiveness.

CRYSTAL (CLEAR QUARTZ) - One of earth's most common minerals. It is also known as rock crystal or quartz crystal. Clear quartz crystals facilitate wisdom, clarity of thought, general healing, memory, meditation, communication, transformation, awakening, cleansing, pureness of heart,intention, higher consciousness, positive thoughts, harmonyand love. This stone amplifies prayers, wishes and positive visualizations. Blue quartz crystals grant spiritual insight andenlightenment, peace and serenity. They also encourageemotions clarity and purity.

CRYSTAL BALLS - Help us see the past and the future. Transport us to a place that is"between the worlds," a gate to other times, other realities. Promote divination, fortune telling,clairvoyance, spirit vision quests and the enhancement of psychic powers.

CRYSTAL CLUSTERS (CLEAR QUARTZ) - Foster protection, cooperation,purification, participation, harmony, union, friendship and intimacy. They break up negative energy in the environment.

CUPRITE - Red. Makes us more helpful to others and more attentive to moral duties.Encourages pragmatism and focus.

Gemstone Healing Properties

ABALONE - Is associated with healing, serenity, calmness, nobility, and honesty.

ABUNDANCE CRYSTALS - A clear quartz crystal with many tiny crystals growing

at the base. This is a mothering, protective crystal, bestowing nurturance, love, abundance,

fullness, sufficiency, creativity, well-being, success, good fortune, blessings and growth.

Encourages our dreams and our wishes to thrive.

ACTINOLITE - The color is green. This stone is associated with creative expression,

appreciation of beauty and spontaneity. This is also an excellent stone for improving

visualizations and mental imagery.

AGATE - This quartz, belonging to the Chalcedony family, comes in a wide range of colors

and is often variegated and banded. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity,

acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and

appreciation of nature. Agates are considered very powerful stones. They are also very calming

and soothing to the emotions. See Botswana, Dentritic, Fire Agates, Lace Agates, Moss Agates

and Plume Agates.

ALBITE FELDSPAR - A white, gray, clear or bluish sodium feldspar. Associated with

stability, steadiness and constancy. It is a balancing stone, offering a firm and grounding energy.

Albite Feldspar also inspires all of us to become spiritual leaders by sharing our unique truths

with others.

ALEXANDRITE - A green form of Chrysoberyl. Encourages regeneration, renewal,

protection, joy, emotional maturity, purity,

grace and elegance.

ALMANDINE - A red garnet with a violet tint. Brings spirituality to relationships. Helps

in the transition from romance to a spiritual commitment in love.

AMAZONITE - A green or blue-green member of the Feldspar clan. Inspires truth,

sincerity, honor, self-love, communication, eloquence, integrity, trust,

clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness. Held to the third eye

(middle of forehead), Amazonite unlocks psychic vision.

Crown Jewels . . . STRANGE Properties of Stones

FUN! ACTION! Send FREE Healing Stones Postcards. Make FREE Gemstone Calendars. Find your prosperity, birthstone, and astrology gems

in our 500+ Indexed Stone database. 16 prizes given away each week in our weekly contest. Online jewelry store. TRYX Hair and wirewrap

AMBER - Solidified and petrified sap from a pine tree. Its color is golden or amber. Amber

brings romantic love, purification, wisdom, energy and balance. It

enhances patience, altruism, strength, calmness, healing,

remembrance of past lives and ancient knowledge. This gentle stone

draws out negative energy from the body and purifies the spirit and

heart as well. Amber also helps us discover ancient wisdom and


AMBLYGONITE - A golden-yellow to clear color. Is said to increase a feeling of one's

own worth. It helps us develop empathy, self-confidence and thoughtfulness towards others.

AMETHYST - Quartz. Ranges in color from violet to dark purple. Amethyst is associated

with increased nobility, spiritual awareness, meditation, balance,

psychic abilities, inner peace, healing and positive transformation. This

stone brings an understanding of death and rebirth and relieves stress.

Amethyst is a teacher of all things spiritual, mystic and psychic. This

stone is very healing of body, mind and soul.

ANDALUSITE - Yellow, green or brownish-red. Is said to promote business and

career success, ascendancy, authority, leadership ability. It helps us to become powerful and then

to use our power wisely and for the good.

ANGLESITE - A white metallic mineral. Promotes sensitivity, gentleness, relaxation and


ANORTHITE FELDSPAR - A calcium feldspar. The color is usually white, gray or

glassy. It is associated with balance, wholeness, integration, stability and grounding.

APATITE - Comes in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to green, white, pink, blue or

purple. Enhances intellect, focus, learning, clarity of concentration, acceptance, oceanic

consciousness and unconditional love. It stimulates thoughts and ideas. This stone is useful in all

intellectual pursuits. Apatite fosters peace and harmony through communication and

communion with our higher self.

Crown Jewels . . . STRANGE Properties of Stones

FUN! ACTION! Send FREE Healing Stones Postcards. Make FREE Gemstone Calendars. Find your prosperity, birthstone, and astrology gems

in our 500+ Indexed Stone database. 16 prizes given away each week in our weekly contest. Online jewelry store. TRYX Hair and wirewrap

AQUAMARINE - A blue-green member of the Beryl clan. Associated with cleansing,

meditation, serenity, peace, prophecy, inspiration,

tranquillity, strength and the wise use of inner power.

This stone is attuned to the ocean and helps us to get

in touch with the nature spirits of the sea. It is

traditionally used to soothe, calm and alleviate fears and phobias. Promotes safe travel on water.

ARAGONITE - A form of calcite. Colors are usually white, cream or gray. It is said to

foster truth, emotional and mental stability, inner understanding and clear perception.

ARIZONA AGATE - Is linked with sensuality, pleasure, emotional warmth, earthiness,

happiness, cheerfulness and prosperity.

ARTEMIS CRYSTAL - Also called Candle Crystal. A long, thin, clear quartz crystal

with a sharp, undamaged point. Promotes independence, freedom and love of nature. Protective

of women, children, wild places and wild creatures. This crystal combines strength, action and

directness with sensitivity and kindness. Helps us focus and speed our prayers, visualizations and

thought-forms to their goal.

AUGITE - Green to black. Is associated with prosperity, success, good fortune and luck. It

helps us to be at the right place at the right time.

AUTINITE - Green. Is said to foster courage, daring, new beginnings and adventures. It is

protective of those who are young and free and willing to take a chance.

AVENTURINE - Quartz. Ranges in color from golden brown to green. Enhances

creativity, imagination, independence, prosperity, career success, calmness

and balance. It helps us to see alternatives and potentials. Green aventurine

is considered to be especially healing of mind and body.

AXINITE - Blue, violet or brown. Helps us activate our spiritual beliefs on the earth plane.

Teaches us to live our spirituality in our daily lives.

Crown Jewels . . . STRANGE Properties of Stones

FUN! ACTION! Send FREE Healing Stones Postcards. Make FREE Gemstone Calendars. Find your prosperity, birthstone, and astrology gems

in our 500+ Indexed Stone database. 16 prizes given away each week in our weekly contest. Online jewelry store. TRYX Hair and wirewrap

Jewelry. Chat, Links, Classifieds. Add our indexed search to your website. Answer our survey and receive a FREE gift.

AZURITE - A dark blue, metallic mineral. Augments clear understanding, cleansing,

healing, transformation, perspective, purification, patience, kindness,

intuition, prophecy and truth. This stone offers spiritual guidance,

promotes psychic dreams, unites the subconscious with the conscious

mind and expands the limits of our minds.

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Monday, July 4, 2011


If you have a Jyotish or Vedic Astrology site you can request an exchange by sending a mail to

VEDIC ASTROLOGY: CONSULTATIONS AND COURSES IN THE UK AND IRELAND This is the site of Steve Hubball, teacher of Dirah Academy UK and Eire. It has great articles about Vedic yagyas, Jaimini astrology and other subjects. 

SWATI PRAKASH Site of Swati Prakash. She is a Tarot and past life healer living in Mumbai, India. 

ASTRALHARMONY The astrological healing services offered on this website are designed to create unity and well-being; in essence, to create Astral Harmony.

MODERN VEDIC ASTROLOGY Interesting site about Neo Vedic Astrology in the news and different subjects like financial astrology, relationships and relocation. 

CLICK HERE FOR PLANETARY MANTRAS AND A MEDITATION PROGRAM This is a meditation program that has planetary mantras in written form and as sound files. It also includes instructions on how to use the mantras and how to meditate. I highly recommend this product ($ 19.99).
This helps you to overcome the problems that have to do with afflicted planets.

STARWORLDNEWS Learn about the astrological background of what is in the news.

ASTROLOGY GIFTS AND MORE This is the site of Patricia Hostetter-Lopez on which you can see beautiful astrology gifts and other art. 

JUPITERSWEB Great site of Sandy Crowther which contains information about Vedic Astrology, Mahabote, Magi Astrology and KP Stellar Astrology.

ANCIENT INDIAN ASTROLOGY Site from Veno with information about consultations, readings, courses and articles. 

MICHAEL TAFT This site contains great information about Jyotish, eclipses and many other things. This is also the place to be if you are interested in a list of tantra sites.

JAMES BRAHA This is the site of James Braha, the man who brought Vedic Astrology to the West. Here you can find information about his books and services and Jyotish. I highly recommend his books. 

Live Astrology Readings from Astro*Live*Link Consult expert professional astrologers for a reading over the telephone from anywhere in the world. Advice on your horoscope, future, love, compatibility or money.

GARY GOMES, CRYSTAL EXPECTATIONS This is the site of Crystal Expectations, a fine spiritual bookshop in the Boston, Massachusets, area. Gary is also the teacher for Dirah Academy USA North East.

LIVE ASTROLOGY READINGS FROM ASTRO*LIVE*LINK Consult expert professional astrologers for a reading over the telephone from anywhere in the world. Advice on your horoscope, future, love, compatibility or money. 

VEDICKABALA Welcome to Kairos - Oasis of Unveiled Truth for the Spiritual Traveller.

BAVA This is the site of the British Association of Vedic Astrologers. Information about upcoming events. Also information on the yearly congress they organize with famous speakers. This is the only organization of Vedic Astrologers in Europe. 

PLANETARY GEMS This is the site of  a company specialized in the disrtribution of fine Jyotish gems and talismans.

YANTRAS AND BOOKS This is a link to a German online store where they sell high quality yantras, which are low priced. Also you will find a fine selection of high quality Vedic astrological books here. The site is in the German language.  

VEDIC ASTRO The site of the great Jyotish magazine Vedic Astro, the Magazine of Dr. Charak from India.

GEMSTONE TALISMANS  Astral Gemstone Talismans,The Ultimate in Personalized Planetary Jewelry, Numbered & Certified Fine Gems Talismans created by Richard Shaw Brown since 1975

PLANETARY GEMOLOGISTS The site of the Planetary Gemologists Association (PGA). 

KEPLER SOFTWARE/AVALON COLLEGE   This is the site of the great program Kepler software. Right now it is mainly a Western program but more and more Vedic  features are entered into the program. The program contains great lessons in Western Astrology which are provided by Avalon College. The site also contains a free Western Astrology program and explanation of the background of Astrology.  

OSFA Astrological institute that gives readings, consultations and courses.

SOULHEALING Here you find Vedic tutorials on nakshatras, prasna, the Iyer predictive method, A full and organized Tutorial in Western Astrology, information about astrological software,  beautiful photos of each of the planets, plus a very detailed description of the planet.
CVA Looking for Vedic astrologers and teachers in the USA and Canada? The CVA button will take you to the site of the American Council of Vedic Astrology.

IIPA This is the website the International Institute of Predictive Astrology of which I am a member. Here you will find great information about Vedic Astrology based on Systems Approach. 

WESSEX ASTROLOGER For the finest astrologybooks click on the green button (Wessex Astrologer, United Kingdom).


ASTROLOGY AND SELF DEVELOPMENT - Courses Western astrology by Dirah Academy


CLASSICLEGENDSBOOKS Books of karmic astrologer Martin Schulman

WWW.ASTRO.COM - The international website for Astrology. Get your Personal Daily Horoscope and a wide selection of free horoscopes!

ASTROLOGY WEEKLY Astrology articles and information updated weekly. The articles on this site are of an outstanding quality and recommended for serious astrologers.

DAILY HOROSCOPES gives you the most insightful, accurate and provocative

ASTROLOGY ON THE WEB Astrology and relationships, horoscopes, compatibility, analysis and fascinating articles.

ASTROLOGY SHOP ONLINE home to a unique range of personal horoscopes by Liz Greene, Rob Hand and other top astrologers plus news, articles, moon calendars, books, video and the Astrology Shop (Covent Garden), London.

EQUINOX ASTROLOGY features the unique Equinox range of personal horoscopes, year forecasts, child profiles, compatibility written by astrologer Robert Currey plus the Equinox Lunar Phase Calendar

ASTRO*CARTO*GRAPHY .Find out how moving can change your life with a color A*C*G world map & 3 location analysis by legendary astrologer & AstroCartoGraphy pioneer, Jim Lewis.
ASTROSTART ASTROLOGY AstroStar offers free weekly horoscopes (love, astro lotto, general), twin soul info and message board, New Age music, discount books, conferences, oracles, and more.

ASTROLOGY FOR THE SOUL This site contains a lot of information which is interesting for beginning and advanced astrologers.   

CALENDAR - This is the site of Nancy Baumgarten where you can gain information about an Orbital Calendar which shows the interconnections of Sun, Earth, Moon and planets to our yearly cycles. 

ASTROSEARCH A search engine about astrology.

HOROSCOPE X-FILES An astrological research and software site.

TOPSITES   Information about astrologers all over the world.

ASTROLOGY BY ADZE MiXXe Free astrology and horoscopes by AdZe MiXXe. Daily horoscope, astrology guide, compatibility readings, celebrity horoscopes

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Anand Shrimali - astrologer, predicting on the basis of astral & time cycles
Ananda's Website on Yoga & Astrology - resources on yoga, sadhana, astrology and more.
Aryabhatt Astrology Services - features vedic & Chinese astrology, numerology, forecast, love matching
Astro Advice - online horoscope service
Astro Guru - predictions, Kundli, software for horoscopes etc. by Shri Harish P. Goswami
Astro Journey to the Secrets of the Zodiac - vedic astrology, gemology, free lunar birth-chart and horoscope, tantra 
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Astro Prediction - Indian astrology, horoscopes, Vedic astrology, numerology etc.
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Astrologer Mukund Trivedi - horoscope, face reading, predictions etc.
Astrological Predicitions Online - see what your stars have in store for you
Astrology India - contains a preview of astrology & details of astrologers in India
Astrology byJai Maharaj - Dr. Jai Maharaj - jyotishi, vedic astrologer
Bharatastrology - Indian astrology, Vedic astrology, horoscope, fortune, numerology, remedies
Bhartiya Astrology - Indian astrology, palmistry, horoscope, kundli, future, ishwar, money, cure
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Complete Astrology - get free reports, horoscopes, post questions and chat
Computerised Horoscopes - predictions, match making, astrological details and more
Cosmic Synergy. - provides vedic prediction based on the concept Pragya Vilas.
Cyber Astrology - weekly zodiac prediction with links to eminent astrologers' sites
Dasuvish Astro-Vastu Research Centre - Vaastu consultancy & research centre
Date Panchanga - online Hindu almanac for auspicious days & time with guides
Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma - includes daily forecast services for horoscopes, zodiac signs etc.
Express Star Teller - site on Vedic astrology with horoscopes, body & mind healing etc.
Future Vision - remedial measures, free annual predictions, articles on astrology etc.
Future Vision - horoscope, predictions & analysis
Gautam Astro Research Home - provides services on astrology, Vaastu & match-making
Gayatri Associates - offers kundli (horoscope), Varsha Phal and match-making services in Pune.
Get Your Horoscope - provides vedic astrological predictions through e-mail
Hashmukh The Astrologer - astrologer from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Hindu Astrology - read your free horoscope on basis of birth rashi
Hindu Panchang - info on festivals, vedic lessons, astrology, birth-chart, superstitions etc
Horoscopes based on Vedic Astrology - personalised Vedic astrology horoscopes
India Astrology - brief idea about Indian astrology.
India Astrology - astrological consultations as per the Parashara System and the astrology.
India Times Astrospeak - astro-sciences, Tarot cards, nomerology, palmistry, sun signs, fun, I-Ching
Indian astrology on-line - comprehensive astrological website on the world wide web
Indiatimes Astrospeak - sun signs, numerology, love compatibility, life predictioins, matchmaking.
Indo Astrology - test your love compatibility, post queries etc.
Institute of Palmistry - provides consultation services using scientific methods of hand reading.
Jagjit Uppal's Astro Page - the internationally acclaimed astrologer for advice and forecast.
Janaki Occultism - hereditary organisation engaged in astrology, cardology, palmistry etc.
Janampatrika Astrological Center - online astrological consultations.
Journal of Astrology - site features articles, astrology lessons, news, events, etc.
Jyotishi Bhikhabhai Patel - consultations on astrology, gems, stones, Vaastu and more
K. Lal - vedic astrolger from India.
K.P. Astrological Research Institute, Chennai - predictions & distance learning programmes on astrology
Karmic Astro - online astrology, predictions, birth charts, Bhagvad Gita, Reiki, remedies
L B Feng Shui (Chinese Vastu Shastra) - consultation, training, pillars of destiny, articles, Fengshui tips etc.
Luck Bringer - information pertaining to the outcome of any kind of human association
Luck and Life - features yantras, mantras, vastu, health tips, Rudravali, home remedies etc
My Web Astrologer - predictions, free chart, astral remedies, marital compatibility, books, etc
N.C.Patra - astrologer based in Calcutta.
Nandan Astro Voice - computerised astrology, vaastu consultancy, personal horoscope etc.
Numerologist R. C. Kalia - offers numerological predictions and tantra, mantra, jantra remedies.
Occult Astrology - astrology lessons, course, horoscope, fortune teller, remedies, consultancy
P. Khurrana - offers astrological services.
Padmashri Gems - astrologers, gem consultants, jewellers & gem merchants in Chennai
Pandit Parsai - offers personalised horoscopes.
Pandit Prakash Bharadwaj - about astrology, face reading, palmistry, pheronology, etc.
Parag Shah's Free Astrology - amateur astrologer offering free astrological advice
Pradeep Pandit - astrology, future prediction, forecast, astrological consultant
Predictive Astrology - offers astrology courses, consultations etc.
Predictive Sciences - services include Vedic astrology, numerology & match making
Prof. Archana Agewan - astrology, birth chart, horoscope study, transit chart, dashas, gems
Puru Astrologer - Vedic astrological predictions on marriage, children etc. by Puru Kaushal
Sai Sree Vedic Astrology Center - site on vedic astrology.
Sri Jagannath Vedic Center - Jyotish news e-magazine, Vedic astrology center & software, Puri pictures.
Startell - provides answers to specific questions.
Starteller - it is our endeavor to make available to you those rare astr
Sukhram Lal - astrologer providing horoscopes & predictions based on Hindu astrology
The Astrological Society of India - products, services, online astrological predictions and more
Vaastu & Astrology - solutions to overcome health & financial problems
Vaastu - about Vaastu, the science & construction, helpline, articles
Vasthu Sastra - consultants for Hindu religious way of living with peace of mind.
Vastu Solutions - Vastu, mandala, directions, message boards, yantras and more
Vastu World - detailed info on Vaastu, Fengshui, geomancy, vastutecture, therapy and more
Vedalink - Vedic astrology horoscopes from India
Vedic Astrology Cyber Home - match making, birth chart, Vastu Vidya, learning astrology and more
Vedic Astrology - by Dr. Rajendra Raaj.
Vedic Astrology - includes software, classes, yogas, courses and more
Vedic Future - online astrology, vaastu, numerology, auspicious days, panchangam etc.
Vedic and Vastu Consultant - personal and unique readings by vedic astrologer.


Lord Siva catches the Ganga

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Manu Samhita zipped file (1 MB)

The history of Nala and Damayanti PDF (165 k) from the Mahabharata.

What is Vedic Astrology? PDF (235k)

Complete copy of the 12 volume Ganguli translation of the Mahabharata in PDF format. (13 MB zipped)

Sarirasthana, (11 MB) a canto of Agnivesa's Caraka Samhita. This is a chapter of a classical treatise on ayurveda dealing with how the body is created, propagating good children, pregnancy, embryology, etc. Useful for all practitioners of Vedic culture especially grihastas.

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Jyotish related links:

The Astrological Magazine. The digital version of the longest running Vedic Astrology Magazine.

Often an astrologer is asked to help in choosing a name for a child, at least the beginning sound. The following link provides a directory of several sites that give baby names derived from Sanskrit.

Baby names derived from Sanskrit and vernacular Indian languages with extensive meanings of the names.

More Baby names mostly Sanskrit dereived.

Another collection of Indian baby names along with their meanings.

Here is one for Tamil baby names.

What to find out how popular your name is, then let Uncle Sam help. Good for USA but probably could be extrapolated to many English (native) speaking countries.

Dimension 4 (Time Lords) this program can be used to update your computer clock time via an atomic clock, you can then use it for setting your watch. Accurate time is essential for Jyotish.

Astrological Data Bank Contains over 20,000 verified birth data of celebreties. A must for any serious astrologer.

Here is another Astrological Data Bank based in Germany. It is completely free, but if you want to download the whole database it is a mere 25 Euros, cheap at twice the price. Thanks to Rohini Prabhu for sending that.

Matrix Software, this is not a Jyotish site, but I partnered with them back in the late 80's to develop the first professional Jyotish program.

Mysteries of The Sacred Universe: The Cosmology of the Bhagavata Purana

Sky & Telescope

Nasa's JPL Solar System Simulator

Star Date

Time Service Department U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, DC

Down load the Vaisnava Calendar

Yahoo's Astronomy Links

Yantar Mantar we do not agree with some quotes on this site related to astronomy by an early English author.

Pretty pictures of astronomical phenomena.

The CIA World Fact Book is a great resource for those interested in Mundane Astrology.

Classical Greek & Roman Astrology

For anyone interested in historical research of the ancient connections between Vedic Astrology and Western Astrology.

The Lost Horoscope X-Files Astrology software and free birth chart analysis tips based on the lost horoscope x-files from ancient greek, medieval and renaissance sources.

Project Hindsight The main focus of Project Hindsight has been the restoration of the astrology of the Hellenistic period (280 B.C.E. to about 600 C.E.). This site is the most important in this catagory.

A site dedicated to Ptolemy.

Vedic Sampradayas

Gaudiya (Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya)

Arcana: the process of Deity worship

The Bhaktivedanta Academy, based in Sridhama Mayapur, was established in the early 1980's. The devotees educated there are imbibed with the philosophy, science, and culture of Gaudiya Vaisnavism and are thus trained to teach and demonstrate the essential principles of that culture to others.

Bhaktivedanta Archives Preserving the legacy of Srila Prabhupada

Bhaktivedanta Institute

Cooking with Kurma A great site for learning Vaisnava cooking.

Diary of a Traveling Preacher Indradyumna Swami's official web site, very inspirational.

Gaudiya Vaisnava texts held at a Russian University.

Gosai: Hosting various india-related sites, including traditional and contemporary arts, music, folklore, products, science, and Ayurveda.

Hare Krsna Rural Life is dedicated to establishing self-sufficient farm communities.

Hare Krsna Cultural Journal A commentary on the culture, views and progress of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Krishna the site all about Krishna, where you’ll find info on self-realization, mantra meditation, Bhagavad-gita, yoga, karma, reincarnation, vegetarianism and more.

Lotus Imprints is the publishing house of Sriman Hari-Sauri Prabhu (who was Srila Prabhupada's personal servant). It is dedicated to the preservation and propagation of the legacy of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada through the written word, audio and visual mediums.

Palace of the Soul Palace of the Soul is the name of a landmark cultural center, presently being developed 40 kilometers outside Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Radio Krsna Central

Saligrama Sila site for Silas and Their sevakas

Sridham Mayapura

Suhotra Prabhu Archives

Trivikrama Swami

Vedic view on controversial issues.

Vaishnava Preaching Around the World

Vedic knowledge online

Madhva (Brahma Sampradaya)

Udupi Sri Krishna

Visva Madhva Sangha

Dvaita Text Resources


Madhva Radio

Tattva-vada Magazines

Nimbarka (Kumara Sampradaya)
Sri Vaishnava (Sri Sampradaya)

Radio Ramanuja

Sri Ahobilam Math

Sri Ranga Panjakam a site dedicated to Sri Rangam.

Sri Vaishnava Home Page

Another Sri Vaishnava Home Page

Vedanta Sutras with Sri Bhasya commentary of Ramanuja.

Vallabha (Rudra Sampradaya)

Kripanidhi many links to pustimarga sites.



Indian Culture

This site gives some interesting info on Indian traditions.

Link Partners

Indastro: Astrology & Horoscope - Indian Astrology

Your Exact Time of Birth to 1 Sec. This site claims to be able to rectify anyone's birth time to with in 1 second of arc. I haven't tried it so I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this statement. If you haven't got an accurate birth time you could try this and then come back to see me for a reading. Of course I also do rectifications but you can always get a second opinion, that should really confuse you (-:

Horoscopes to go. An astrology portal.


Forbidden Archeology this site provides a lot of information which confirms the Vedic conclusion of the cyclic nature of history and that the history of humanity is much older than currently understood by academia.


Complexity of professions is assuming a more and more bewildering nature. To indicate exact means of livelihood, though the horoscope depends upon blending of the influences of planets, signs and houses and there too it would be very difficult to predict with exactitude.

We may say a man would be an engineer, but whether a civil, mechanical, electrical, mining or textile engineer, will depend upon the planet that has the greatest influence in livelihood. Another question that poses itself is whether a person would have the same source of livelihood throughout his life.

Many persons start their career in service and later do well in their own business. Further, in finding means of livelihood, can we make a distinction between salary and pension? Many retired servants enter business but most of them either enter private service or live on pension and savings or rent on buildings they own or have built. It is very difficult to analyses all factors carefully and predicts the tendencies governing one’s livelihood. Like any other sciences, astrology too has its own limitations. We have to realize it and it is the duty of those deeply interested in the science to increase its utility to society by earnest research and selfless efforts.

In the matter of astrologically judging and determining different mundane houses are allotted to the different needs of Kalapurusha or the individual. There is one house for wealth, another for patrimony, the other for income, etc. There is one house; Karma viz. the 10th (midheaven) Karma is very broad term. Karma means the sum total of the good and bad deeds at our credit when we are born on this planet. Livelihood or avocation is only one facet of the term karma. Karma is not merely avocation but is a comprehensive term.

The twelve houses indicate different activities in the world. A professional means of earning a livelihood may be determined by the houses and planets which are prominent in a horoscope. If the 1st is strong, the native will earn by his personal efforts. If the 2nd is strong articles of food or speech would play a prominent part. The 3rd determines courage, brothers, heroic valour, communication, writing, short travel, etc. If the 3rd is strong and has connected with the 10th, the person may earn through writings and short travel. He may run a big business, may serve in army. If the 10th lord is connected with the 4th house and indications are strong, the person may get income from house or motor vehicle. The 5th has reference to learning, counsel, speculation, and games of chance. The harmonious dispositions of the 10th and the 5th indicate earnings through above means. The 6th represents sickness or diseases, if the 6th houses is connected to the 10th and the horoscope indicates medical studies the person may be a doctor by profession.

When the 8th and the 10th lords are connected the person may earn through foreign business or from property got through legacy. The 9th indications would be connected with the foreigners’ foreign lands, law, religion etc. The connected between the 9th and the 10th may bring earnings through practice of law or the person may become religious head or may earn through teaching or preaching.

The profession or occupation of a native is generally judged from the planet or planets occupying the 10th house and if there should be none there, from those in the 1st and also from those aspecting the Sun and the Moon.

Brihat Jataka. Adh. X. XL. 4, states the gain of money from livelihood should be ascertained from the strong benefic planets occupying the Ascendant.

Vedic Astrology has been around since ancient times. Its isn’t just blind faith that belivers of astrology have, it is rather a science of stars and their relationships with in the solar system, popularly known as sidereal zodiac. In this astrology we consider even the Sun and Moon as planets and observations are based on geo-centric, considering the earth as the center of the universe. Vedic astrology aim at assessing the up and downs in a persons life and provides remedy to unfavorable times.

The Vedic astrology has 12 zodiac signs, 7 planets and two lunar nodes. Each of the seven planets rules two signs except the sun and moon rule a single sign. The lunar nodes namely Rahu and Ketu are accorded equal importance in a natal chart as any of the planets, except that they don’t rule any sign. Vedic astrology excludes planets Pluto, Neptune and Uranus for the reason that they too far away from the earth. Here is the break down on the signs, also known as Rashi rulership.

Rashi Number Rashi Name Rashi Ruler

Sign Number

Sanskrit Sign Name

Western Sign Name

Sign Ruler

















































Note: These Rashi number on the natal chart are cited instead of mentioning the Rashi names.