Sunday, October 4, 2015

common remedies

  • Regularly offering water, milk mixed with sugar, jaggery to the peepal tree along with incense and diya(holy lamp) brings the solution to all problems.
  • Never ignore or avoid any guest arriving at the auspicious timing of mornings and evening prayers. He must be fed to satisfaction appropriately. If the guest is a female, it is considered to be extremely lucky.
  • On every Amaavasya (no moon night), food placed on the babool tree, makes ancestors satisfied and provides protection to the family.
  • Once in a year, on any Amaavasya(no moon night), one coconut along with rice porridge, held by the adult of the house while taking a round of the house and breaking the coconut on the entrance, should be fed to a dog, to restrain any troubles and blockages.
  • Always feed the first meal  of breakfast in the morning to a cow before having it served, gives affluence in homes.
  • If you are suffering from unknown tension and problems, then prepare Roti (chapatti) consisting of grinded oat(jao ka atta), musturd oil(sarsoon ka tel) and feed it to black  he buffalo, you will feel the relief very quickly.
  • Read the scared chapter of Sunder khand on every Tuesday and Saturday, it helps and protects from all emerging problems. Especially helpful to students in gaining their studies.
  • For better health and sharp mind & stability, daily pour water to rising sun and if daily routine is not possible, then at least follow it specially on Sunday.


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